Communication Log or Journal for PP


This page is created to have all important conversation i.e doubts, clarifications, issues being face etc that you or I may have during the next 3 months to 2 years of the interventions. Or it could also cover other aspects of health and general discussions.

This page is linked to the Main page Lifestyle PP

The Lifestyle PP is the reference Page for All the Information related to Revert to State of Health and get cured of the current ailments

Date 08 Sept 2021

Dear Priya

A Follower of Dr Khadar wrote a book

I am copying from there as memory refresher

But for protocol please try to follow above , as above is recent most update ( 19 July 2021)


Date 02 Aug 2021

I received my consignment on 31 July 2021

I will get started on Millets this week

I liked the price and service capacity of this Supplier

You may like to order from them in future

They also Supply Cookies , Vermicelli, Rava , Noodles ,Flakes & Coconut Sugar.

Rava सूजीरवा : कण; दाना; छोटा टुकड़ा | सूजी । रवा दक्षिण भारत में सूजी का नाम है ।

Flakes चूड़ा

Vermicelli, सेंवई , सेवई

Shri Food products : Name of Contact Person Vadive Annamalaii.
Phone & WhatsApp of Annamalai 9003999506 |

Email [email protected]

Address :

No.1.indira Gandhi Nagar,Siddhapudur, Coimbatore “46/2,kavetty layout ,

Sowripalayam Coimbatore. 641028(Tamil Nadu)”

Manufacturer of millets and Value added products ,Supply to all over India.

Account Details

Acc. Holder Name : Thanu Shri Food Products

Account No : 259003999506
IFSC Code : INDB0000021
Bank Name : IndusInd Bank
A/C Type: Current


I had received these items .

Date 23 July 2021

All your buying needs will be posted here Buy KV page

I have asked them how they will send – India Post or DTDC or any other

They send by FedEx courier service. If consignment is large they use services of trucking companies.

Meanwhile their brochure is uploaded here ( Same is posted under Buy Page and also under the Sourcing Section of Your Lifestyle PP page

To keep things organised , I have kept things at Buy KV page Anytime you feel like checking for suppliers you may visit the Buy KV .. Page .. To keep things in story form .. I am jotting things down over here in Google Drive

I chanced upon this through recommendation by a member of the group.

At this stage , our best chance is to make a judgment call as to whom to trust amongs the sellers. ….

Older Post below ( You have already seen them )

When would you like to start with the millets ? Leaves can wait a while. I think we have now enough information to be get started.

Structured water | Idli , ,Dosa Chapati or Paratha at Breakfast with some fruits and Til Seed milk | Ambali during lunch | Poha or choora fry or Pancakes or coconut cookies etc at Evening snacks | Dinner = Paratha , chapati or Dosa

These we can start with

Or if you like to start slow, eat whatever you are already eating , Just change lunch to Ambali with Sabjee or Sambhar or Daal and some bhujia chautney etc


Meanwhile I have placed request for delivery to Deoghar.

Will start with the getting hands on and conversant with the recipes. Our three years work in recipes with targets to making food taste good for consumers will come handy to master things faster.

While the books and various videos are comprehensives enough, it helps if we can ask their team directly in case of any specifics or doubts we may have as we proceed.

As such I have joined their Public group on facebook

While I would anyway ask on your behalf , you may like to join that group too. It has about 28,000 members and being in a community of like minded people on similar path will make the journey smoother.

e,g. Use of the right ingredients is essential to success of the method.

So here is a sample of how the the direct channel of communication can make the path surer and smoother.

End of Message For 23 July 2021

This supplier from Coimbatore appears to be good. Heard about him in community of Facebook in Dr Khadar Valli Followers .

Till now , the only one which I have found to actually care to pack oil without Plastic in Tin Can .

MORE details at this place

Date 19 July 2021

Procurement of 5 Millets, Mustard Oil and some plants

I have found some Individuals who can supply millets and oils .

I have curated the Contacts so that one need not be so bogged down with too many choices. Here I am going by hunch as to whom to trust for quality .

Meanwhile : Jotting down and making notes on various sources here on Google Drive In Google Sheets . In Time his should give a good idea of the most reliable and genuine ones.

Aim to start where you are and what is available at hand. Then over time tend towards the ideal case situations. E.g. If Oil is not available in Glass or Steel containers , start with Plastic ones , But transfer to glass or metal ones soon.



  •   The only food that can wipe out all disease causing agents and restore health in human beings is Siridhanya Ambali (Fermented Porridge). Consume food as Ambali for at least six weeks. Later make it a practice to have Ambali at least once a day.
  •   Consume one sesame laddu made using palm jaggery per week. Palm jaggery can be consumed only by those diabetics who are consuming Siridhanya as staple food and are not on any medication but have their HbA1c below 8. Even if sesame seeds cannot be taken as laddu they must be included in the diet in some form or the other either as chutney powder or by adding them to curries.
  •   Walk as long as possible at a stretch either during sunrise or sunset.
  •   Follow the daily routine suggested by Dr. Khadar sir.
  •   Continue to take your regular medicines even as you follow this lifestyle. Never give up the medicines prescribed for your ailments by your respective doctors all of a sudden. As your medical condition improves gradually reduce the dosage of medicine as per your doctor’s advice. Understand that this lifestyle helps us regain health through changes in our food habits.
  •   In case of metastasised cancer, the patient needs to follow the cancer protocol of that organ where the cancer is found to be acute.

Preparation of Ambali – Its Importance (English)

How To Prepare Siridhanya Ambali – Its Importance

सिरिधान्य अम्बलि – इसका महत्व | खमीर वाला दलिया | मांड | राब | 

Can Ambali Be Refrigerated ? || When To Add Salt To Ambali ? ||

Date 18 July 2021

अनेक व्यक्ति हैं जो इस पद्धति के पालन करने से खुद को रोग मुक्त कर चुके हैं।
ज्यादातर मामलों में , पूरी तरह ठीक होने में, अधिकतम समय दो वर्ष लगा है। बहुत हैं जिनको 3 से 6 महीने में काफी राहत हो गया।

और इस मामले में भी अगर 6 से 9 सप्ताह तक इस खान-पान के तरीकों को पूरी श्रद्धा और ईमानदारी से अपनाया जाए , तो राहत महसूस होने लगेगा।

3 महीने में खून जाँच ( Blood Test ) रिपोर्ट में भी सुधार नजर आएगा।

मुख्य बातें है शुद्धता का ध्यान रखते हुए

बाजरे के दाने ,अम्बली , ताम्बे में रखा पानी , शुद्ध तेल , मधु , गुड़, बीज से निकला दूध, दही मट्ठा , अम्बली
प्लास्टिक से दूरी, गाय के दूध से दूरी, अंडे माँस मुर्गा मछली से परहेज

क) 5 तरह के श्रीधान्य ( मिल्लेट्स / ५ प्रकार के बाजरे )
ख ) 3 तरह के पत्तों का काढ़ा – हर श्रृंगार, पीपल एवं अमरुद के काढ़े। एक तरह का पत्ता एक सप्ताह
ग) 3 तरह के जड़ी बूटी – दमन (चरमार , नागदौना Artemisia vulgaris) , हल्दी , अदरक
घ ) ताम्बे के बर्तन से लिया हुआ या आठ -दस घण्टे तक संपर्क में रहा हुआ पानी
च ) खाने का तेल कच्ची घानी का हो। फैक्ट्री में उच्च तापमान और रसायनों द्वारा निकले तेल को घर से बाहर करना है
छ) दूध तिलहन से घर में ही बना लेना है। जैसी तिल, मूंगफली, नारियल से। एक कप यानि 100 ग्राम तैल्य बीज से करीब एक लीटर दूध बन जाता है।
ज) तिलहन से निकले दूध से ही दही , मट्ठा भी निकालना है .
झ ) अम्बालि का सेवन रोज करना है
ट) पकाने की विधि – दानों को पानी में काफी देर भिगो कर बनाना है। नहीं तो लाभ नहीं होगा , सुपाच्य नहीं होगा , और स्वाद भी अच्छा नहीं लगेगा। रोटी बनाने में उस आटे में चिपचिपापन लाना है। जैसे एक कप आटे में दो चम्मच के करीब शकरकंद या दो चम्मच के करीब पीसा हुआ काला उड़द मिला देने से रोटी ठीक बनेगा। आटे को गूंथने के बाद दो घंटे आराम देना है एक सफ़ेद सूती कपडे से ढँक देना है। ताकि उसकी नमी न कम हो जाए। सूख न जाए।
ठ) सुबह के धूप का सेवन करना है १५-२० मिनट
ड) पल्स्टिक के बोतल चम्मच डब्बे पैकिंग सामान का प्रयोग बंद करना है या कम से कम करना है। मिट्टी के बर्तन, पत्थर के बर्तन, या शीशे के बर्तन ,अच्छी क्वालिटी के स्टील के बर्तन का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। एल्युमीनियम के बर्तन का भी इस्तेमाल ज्यादा नहीं करना चाहिए।

ढ) ताम्बे के बर्तन में खाना गर्म करना या पकाना लगातार नहीं करना चाहिए।
ण) मीठा अगर लेना है तो चीनी नहीं। बाजार की मिठाई नहीं। गन्ने के रस से बेहतर है, खजूर या ताल के गुड़ को लेना। और शहद। जंगली शहद बेहतर है। यह जो बड़ी कम्पनियाँ बाजार में मधु बेचती हैं , वह कितना शुद्ध है, उसमे एन्टी बायोटिक और कीटनाशक की सम्भावना रहती है।

एक किताब जिसको पढ़ने से यह समझ आएगा कि क्या करने से आप रोग व्याधियों से खुद को बचा सकते हैं। अगर रोग हो ही गया है तो कैसे ठीक कर सकते हैं।

यह हिंदी और अंगरेजी में नीचे उपलब्ध है

आने वाले समय में वीडियो के माध्यम से क्या उपाय करना है , कैसे करना है और क्यों यह सब करना है यह सब और भी स्पष्ट होगा।

किताब जिसको पढ़ने से यह समझ आएगा

( If possible Print relevant pages ) or anyway in time everything will be in memory

Date 16 July 2021

कैंसर बारे में डॉ। खादर जी का लाइव सत्र || 1st Nov 2020

View from 17 min to 21 Min ( From where the Video will auto start ) Cancer Of Blood

Good Prognosis within 3 months ‘

Peepal Harshiringal Amrood Kadha , and Kodo3 days and others 1 day each Bllod transfusion frequency reduced.

Date 15 July 2021

Today I placed an online order for copper plate to be delivered to Gurgaon .It could reach in a week. They also supply millets. I need to see the reliability of their service.

I have fair idea of who can supply decent oil and also millets

Leaves remain. Will need to scout for nursery at Delhi NCR .Sapling are available online too but they are charging a bit too much – Rs 500 approx . If local nursery can be contacted Rs 100 should be the likely price .
Amazon too has many sellers of saplings

Let me find out

Meanwhile You may like to See it .. At this stage Only Skim over the materials . , This is a general page . I will make one curated for you so that you don’t waste too much time deciding where to shop from

I have managed to find a contact in Jaipur . He procured all the millets. And that too unpolished. I had shared with him the address of a centre there. It is the Key centre of Millets in India , under Govt programme.

Let me ask him to find out if they deliver online or if needed we can have some method to fetch from them and have it transported to Delhi . But as of now I would prefer some online sellers .

In Jaipur where they stay , the neighbours of village gifted them some millets and seeds . And they then did the pounding and de-husking at home. Let me learn how they do that as well

Actually there are many layers on these Millets and usual mills of rice can’t bring grain out of them .. Do like DHENKI of old time, they manually do at home . This is even better

If we can have these DHENKI grains that would be the most perfect

The Director

Directorate of Millets Development
2nd Floor, Kendriya Sadan-A,
Jaipur-302 039,
Phone: 0141-2233004
Fax: 0141-2235631

You can also write to us by E-mail: dmdrj00[at]nic[]dot]in.

The Following will be one single page for all Procurement needs. Sites, Price points Address , contact details, Reliability and priority order to be given to sellers .

As of now ABOUT Mustard oil , The mahrashtra One , who sells in shop and online through facebook page ,, Seems like the best deal till we find out the BULL DRIVEN

AT least they have wooden Ghani

If You wish to get started on Getting this Oil do let me know so that I can update next steps in The next Chitthi .and Update on your” Lifestyle PP” page as well


Date 14 July 2021

Cancer Hospitals – Kills the products – Remove cells ( Surgery ) | Kills cells through Toxic Chemicals – Chemotherapy | Kills cells by burning – Radiotherapy

The root cause , underlying causes are not addressed.

So problem persists and recurs even after remission. Lignan aromatics electron , carcinogenic super oxide free radicals cleaning with lignan | Toxicity generated by metabolic activity . In food Lignan . Soluble insoluble . Cleans Channels and in blood too.

DR. KHADAR – CANCER || Dr. Khadar Vali ( Less than 15 minutes Long )

Date 13 July 2021

Dear Priya 

I have made a page that will between you and me .Consider it as a substitute to letter in old days. 

In college ,  I would write to some friend . He would be on Ship ( Merchant Navy ) One was at London , other was at CMC Vellore, someone at Darjeeling. 

And I would get response after some months. Some of these letters still manage to emerge from closets , long forgotten , yet fresh even now when I read them. 

No hurries ,write at leisure, post at leisure and get response some day. 

Here I will post to you and when you happen to visit this once in while , you will have all my letters waiting for you date wise 

So you may read at leisure and respond at leisure in case you have some queries or would like to discuss things. 

Some Gyan and Vidyan Time .

Since in your millet protocol – Kodo Millet is for 3 days and others of 1 day each ,

It will be good to know about this first.

All That You Need To Know About Kodo Millet | Dr Sarala | Less than 10 min

At 6 min 10 sec . Cancer that has affected Bone marrow and kidney health Creatinine 1.52 will get restored to within normal range ..

I will be Posting on this page some links that will help you update yourself of the essentials

As of today , it will suffice just to glance over the headings in this link i.e What are the main items we will try to get conversant with and get access to.

When you visit this link , at this stage, i.e today you may ignore having to click on further links within that section . Just see the headings. e.g Millets Oils, Buy etc ..

Date 12 July 2021

Dear PP

I have now a fair amount of idea of sources from where we may procure the needed items.

Action Time :

Start stocking Millets & Oils by this month with sufficient for 3 months. Let’s get this done by July 2021 itself so that things can start to roll in Aug and Get in pattern fully by Sept 2021

I read the book and came across few lines where Dr Khadar Valli validates my view that the body should be allowed to transition gradually and not abruptly.

Also there is a practical problem

The Learning curve – The cooking methods for this method needs some extra steps

a) Soaking for 8 to 10 hours depending on grain and then only cooking else you will not absorb well and taste also will not be so good .

b) Practice at least two to three times before you get a handle on the methods that work for you e.g . Adding a tsp or so of besan , sattu or sakarakand or bengal gram as binder to the dough . This is essential as unlike wheat , these don’t have enough gluten to bind and Roti will not become like good Fulka unless some binder is there.

Additionally , after making the dough , let the dough be left to rest for 2 hours . This is important in case of millets. Even in Wheat flour, I have experimented many times . You can try it.

Take one cup of Wheat flour .( 120 to 150 gm ) . Some 6 to seven rotis can be made out of that .

Make dough at 6 pm and let it rest till 8pm or so . Make roti with that

Make another dough at 8 pm and make roti immediately after making the dough

You will be able to notice the difference in fluffiness or softness of roti, and the appearance and taste of roti

In case of wheat Try to knead in one direction only . random directions will distort shape of gluten and deform it and it is more difficult to digest then.

The most important thing to note is that we are not used to cooking with millets .

So a give yourself couple of weeks to learn the tricks about handling them well.

Millet Bhaat or Millet Roti or Kheer , Idli Dosa etc ..

Yesterday I made milk from Seasame seeds Tasted good enough.

Then experimented with Honey, Jagagry and improved upon the taste .

Leave the recipe perfection to me . We will fine tune and share our tips . So that in case you find some issues with taste of preparation method we can sort things out.

Though you are not taking any such strong drugs other than medications, the Rice and Wheat are also give Some “highs” .. blast of glucose within an hour or two of ingesting.

So the body has got used to such quick bursts of energy. Let’s not deprive it abruptly.

Expense Estimates

I may be off the estimates by 50 % off the mark . But not by 3 X

I am assuming that the full family will switch to cold pressed oil. This is currently double the cost of Oils from Patanjali, Engine, Emami or Adani and likes

But then for a family of 5

than the Oils ( Mustard Sunflower Or Groundnut )

a) Millet Cost about Rs 3500 for 3 months ( 3 meals a day @ 100 gm grains per meal )

b) Oil Cost About Rs 1000 for 3 months ( assuming 1 litre per head p.m.)

c) Leaves : Costing for sapling Not yet done

d) Jaggary and honey : Costing Not yet done

So about Rs 4500 for 3 months is your raw material cost for key items

My guess is that Maximum cost would be Rs 7000 for there months

So if you are taking grains @ Rs 40 per kg & Oils at Rs 170 per kg

You will be Spending in excess of Rs 2400 on grains and Rs 500 on oils

So about Rs 1000 per month is the extra cost on main items

In 3 to 6 months we should go for

– Direct sourcing from farmers or

– Whole sale from Indiamart or Mandis

This would mean about 50 % saving in cost of procurement

The saving would be about Rs 1750 in three months for you. 

So at this stage , it is better to source online from sellers already specialising in Sridhanya

Making millets affordable :

A) 300 gm for 3 meals per day = 9 kg per month

Weightage average cost of Grains = Rs 125 /kg

So cost per month = Rs 1125

Yearly Qty = 108 kg

Yearly cost = Rs 13500

Excludes delivery costs.

B) Sourcing from India Mart Whole sale or driest from Farmers or Visiting Mandis where they sell to wholesalers

Cost could go dow by half or more

So yearly savings = Rs 7000

And for three months savings = Rs 1750

Delivery costs excluded.




Brow top @ 170 + Foxtail @ 100 + Rest all Rs 120

Cost =1/7( 3 X120 ( 3 days Kodo ) + 170 + 100 (Foxtail ) + 2 X 120 ( Barnyard, Little) )

Or 7 Kg millets @ Rs 870 = Rs 124 per kg

I got some leads on sourcing of some small millets from Chattisgarh.

Deputy Director , Narayanpur of Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA)

Uday Maharaja (an ex-RK Mission Monk ) and now has a private ashram near Vidyapith

talked to him . The DD will send him some samples.

In time we should be able to identify farmers and directly source from them, of give seeds to the farmers and ask to produce for us.

Rage Flour @ Rs 70 is usual in market ( Retail Kirana shop or Online )

e.g. Yesterday through Uday Maharaja I procured Ragi @ Rs 30 per kg .

( @ Rs 25 per kg X 23 Kg + Rs 100 Transport costs = Rs 700 or 700/23 = Rs 30 per kg )

On India mart too rate is similar but at bulk buy rates say 50 kg or 200000 Kg at one time

What this means is that if we provide seeds to farmers and they produce, we can ensure assured supply at good rates.

This page has the address