“वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ।
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा॥”
अकलितमहिमानः कल्पिता यत्र तस्मिन्।
सुविमलगगनाभे ईशसंस्थेऽप्यनीशे
मम भवतु भवेऽस्मिन् भासुरो भावबन्धः॥
Salutation to Shiva! whose glory
Is immeasurable, who resembles sky
In clearness, to whom are attributed
The phenomena of all creation,
The preservation and dissolution
Of the universe! May the devotion,
The burning devotion of this my life
Attach itself to Him, to Shiva, who,
While being Lord of all, transcends Himself.
निहतनिखिलमोहेऽधीशता यत्र रूढा
प्रकटितपरप्रेम्णा यो महादेवसंज्ञः।
अशिथिलपरिरंभः प्रेमरूपस्य यस्य
प्रणयति हृदि विश्वं व्याजमात्रं विभुत्वम्॥
In whom Lordship is ever established,
Who causes annihilation of delusion,
Whose most surpassing love, made manifest,
Has crowned Him with a name above all names,
The name of “Mahâdeva”, the Great God!
Whose warm embrace, of Love personified,
Displays, within man’s heart, that all power
Is but a semblance and a passing show,
वहति विपुलवातः पूर्वसंस्काररूपः
प्रमथति बलवृन्दं धूर्णितेवोर्मिमाला।
प्रचलति खलु युग्मं युष्मदस्मत्प्रतीतं
अतिविकलितरूपं नौमि चित्तं शिवस्थम्॥
In which the tempest of the whole past blows,
Past Samskâras,[1] stirring the energies
With violence, like water lashed to waves;
In which the dual consciousness of “I” and “Thou”
Plays on: I salute that mind unstable,
Centred in Shiva, the abode of calm!
जनकजनितभावो वृत्तयः संस्कृताश्च
अगणनबहुरूपो यत्र एको यथार्थः।
शामितविकृतिवाते यत्र नान्तर्बहिश्च
तमहह हरमीडे चेत्तवृत्तेर्निरोधम्॥
Where the ideas of parent and produced,
Purified thoughts and endless varied forms,
Merge in the Real one; where the existence ends
Of such conceptions as “within”, “without”—
The wind of modification being stilled—
That Hara I worship, the suppression
Of movements of the mind. Shiva I hail!
गलिततिमिरमालः शुभ्रतेजःप्रकाशः
धवलकमलशोभः ज्ञानपुञ्जाट्टहासः।
यमिजनहृदिगम्यः निष्कलं ध्यायमानः
प्रणतमवतु मां स मानसो राजहंसः॥
From whom all gloom and darkness have dispersed;
That radiant Light, white, beautiful
As bloom of lotus white is beautiful;
Whose laughter loud sheds knowledge luminous;
Who, by undivided meditation,
Is realised in the self-controlled heart:
May that Lordly Swan of the limpid lake
Of my mind, guard me, prostrate before Him!
दुरितदलनदक्षं दक्षजादत्तदोषं
कलितकलिकलङ्कं कम्रकह्लारकान्तं।
परहितकरणाय प्राणविच्छेदसूत्कं
नतनयननियुक्तं नीलकण्ठं नमामः॥
Him, the Master-remover of evil,
Who wipes the dark stain of this Iron Age;
Whom Daksha’s Daughter gave Her coveted hand;
Who, like the charming water-lily white,
Is beautiful; who is ready ever
To part with life for others’ good, whose gaze
Is on the humble fixed; whose neck is blue[2]
With the poison[3] swallowed:
Him, we salute!
अम्बा स्तोत्रम्
का त्वं शुभे शिवकरे सुखदुःखहस्ते
आघूर्णितं भवजलं प्रबलोर्मिभङ्गैः।
शांतिं विधातुमिह किं बहुधा विभग्नाम्
मतः प्रयत्नपरमासि सदैव विश्वे॥१॥
सम्पादयत्यविरतं त्वविरामवृत्ता
या वै स्थिता कृतफलं त्वकृतस्य नेत्री।
सा मे भवत्वनुदिनं वरदा भवानी
जानाम्यहं ध्रुवमिदं धृतकर्मपाशा॥२॥
को वा धर्मः किमकृतं कः कपाललेखः
किंवादृष्ट फलमिहास्ति हि यां विना भोः।
इच्छापाशैर्नियमिता नियमाः स्वतन्त्रैः
यस्या नेत्री भवतु सा शरणं ममाद्या॥३॥
सन्तानयन्ति जलधिं जनिमृत्युजालं
सम्भावयन्त्यविकृतं विकृतं विभग्नम्।
यस्या विभूतय इहामितशक्तिपालाः
नाश्रित्य तां वद कुतः शरणं व्रजामः॥४॥
मित्रे शत्रौ त्वविषमं तव पद्मनेत्रम्
स्वस्थे दुःस्थे त्ववितथं तव हस्तपातः।
मृत्युच्छाया तव दया त्वमृतञ्च मातः
मा मां मुञ्चन्तु परमे शुभदृष्टयस्ते॥५॥
क्वाम्बा सर्वा क्व गृणनं मम हीनबुद्धेः
धत्तुं दोर्भ्यामिव मतिर्जगदेकधात्रीम्।
श्रीसञ्चिन्त्यं सुचरणमभयपतिष्ठं
सेवासारैरभिनुतं शरणं प्रपद्ये॥६॥
या मामाजन्म विनयत्यतिदुःखमार्गैः
आसंसिद्धेः स्वकलितैर्ललितैर्विलासैः।
या मे बुद्धिं सुविदधे सततं धरण्यां
साम्बा सर्वा मम गतिः सफलेऽफले वा॥७॥
A Hymn to the Mother by Swami Vivekananda, Translated by Swami Ashokananda)
O beautiful, auspicious One, holding in Thy hands pleasure and pain—who art Thou?
The waters of existence are whirled to mighty bursting waves—
Is it, O Mother, to restore the shattered calm
That Thou art ceaselessly active in the universe?
To friend and foe Thy lotus eyes are even;
On fortunate and unfortunate Thou layest Thy hand alike;
Deathlessness and the shadow of death are equally Thy mercy.
O Mother, O supreme One, may Thy gracious glances never forsake me!
May She, whose action knows no respite,
Who constantly brings about the fruit of actions done, and shapes actions yet to be,
May She always bestow Her blessings upon me!
She it is, I know certainly, who holds the ropes of karma.
Without Her, where is virtue, where vice?
Where is destiny—“the writing on the forehead”?
Without Her, where is action, where the fruit of action?
May She, the cords of whose sovereign will control all laws,
May She, the Primal One, shelter me everlastingly!
Oh, where shall I find refuge save in Her,
whose glories manifest in the universe in powers immeasurable,
Whose powers swell the ocean of birth and death
And transform the immutable into the changing and divided?
How infinitely great is the Mother, and how inadequate the praise I sing of Her—
I, so poor of understanding!
It is as if I desired to seize with my hands the sole Sustainer of the universe!
So, at Her blessed feet, the abode of fearlessness,
Meditated on by the very goddess of grace and glory,
Adored by those devoted to Her service—I take refuge.
Whether I succeed or fail,
She, who has ever inspired my understanding on the earth,
Who, devising sweet playful ways, has led me, since by birth,
Along the most painful paths to Perfection—
She, the Mother, the All, is my refuge.
तैत्तिरीय उपनिषद्
स्वाध्याय – प्रवचन – न प्रमदितव्यम्।
Self- Study , Teach , Do Not Neglect Duties. Study and Teach Vedas .
Do Not neglect – study of Vedas, truth, dharma, gift to acharyas, duty, health, material well-being.
तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद् शिक्षावल्ली नवमोऽनुवाक , एकादशोऽनुवाकः
Taittiriya Upanishad Chapter 09 & Chapter 11 इस अनुवाक में गुरु अपने शिष्य और सामाजिक गृहस्थ को सद आचरणों पर चलने की प्रेरणा देते हैं
Chapter 9
ऋतं च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च।सत्यं च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च।तपश्च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च। दमश्च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च।शमश्च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च। अग्नयश्च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च। अग्निहोत्रं च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च। अतिथयश्च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च मानुषं च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च।प्रजा च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च।प्रजनश्च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च।प्रजातिश्च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च।सत्यमिति सत्यवचा राथीतरः।तप इति तपोनित्यः पौरुशिष्टिः।स्वाध्यायप्रवचने एवेति नाको मौद्गल्यः।तद्धि तपस्तद्धि तपः।
Righteousness with the study & teaching of Veda; Truth with the study and teaching of Veda; askesis ( self-discipline, Tapas) with the study and teaching of Veda; self-mastery with the study and teaching of Veda. Peace of soul with the study and teaching of Veda. The household fires with the study and teaching of Veda. The burnt offering with the study and teaching of Veda. Progeny with the study and teaching of Veda. Act of procreation with the study and teaching of Veda. Children of thy children with the study and teaching of Veda- these duties. “Truth is first” said the truth speaker, the Rishi son of Rathitar. “Askesis is first” said the constant in austerity, the Rishi son of Purushishta. “Study and teaching of Veda is first” said Naka, son of Mudgala. For this too is austerity and this too is askesis( self-discipline, Tapas) .
वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ सत्याचरण-ऋतम् हो; वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ सत्य हो; वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ तपश्चर्या हो; वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ आत्म-प्रभुत्व (दम) हो; वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ आत्म-शान्ति (शम) हो; वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ गृहस्थस्य की अग्नियाँ हो; वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ अग्निहोत्र हो; (वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ अतिथि-सेवा हो; वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ मनुष्यत्व हो वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ सन्तति (प्रजा) हो; वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ प्रजनन का कार्य हो, वेद के स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन के साथ पुत्रों के पुत्र (प्रजाति) हों, -ये कर्तव्य हैं। ”सत्य सर्वप्रथम है” सत्यवादी ऋषि राथीतर (रथीतर के पुत्र) ने कहा। ”तप सर्वप्रथम है” नित्य तपोनिष्ठ ऋषि पौरुशिष्टि (पुरुशिष्ट के पुत्र) ने कहा। “वेदों का स्वाध्याय एवं प्रवचन सर्वप्रथम है” मुद्गल पुत्र नाक ऋषि ने कहा। कारण, यह भी तपस्या है तथा यह भी तप है।
Lesson 11
Know The Veda . Learn the Veda.
वेदमनूच्याचार्योऽन्तेवासिनमनुशास्ति। सत्यं वद। धर्मं चर। स्वाध्यायान्मा प्रमदः। आचार्याय प्रियं धनमाहृत्य प्रजातन्तुं मा व्यवच्छेत्सीः।सत्यान्न प्रमदितव्यम्। धर्मान्न प्रमदितव्यम्।कुशलान्न प्रमदितव्यम्। भूत्यै न प्रमदितव्यम्।स्वाध्यायप्रवचनाभ्यां न प्रमदितव्यम्।
The Pupil has learnt the text. The teacher tells next about the duty to be performed. सत्यं वद। धर्मं चर। Speak the truth. Perform your duty.
स्वाध्यायान्मा प्रमदः।
Do not neglect the self-study of the Vedas.
आचार्याय प्रियं धनमाहृत्य प्रजातन्तुं मा व्यवच्छेत्सीः।
After giving the gift desired by the teacher, do not break the chain of your progeny.
सत्यान्न प्रमदितव्यम्।
Do not neglect the truth.
धर्मान्न प्रमदितव्यम्।
Do not neglect duty.
कुशलान्न प्रमदितव्यम्
Do not neglect your health.
भूत्यै न प्रमदितव्यम् Do not neglect your material well-being.
स्वाध्यायप्रवचनाभ्यां न प्रमदितव्यम्।
Do not neglect the self-study and the teaching of the Vedas.
Team Brahamavadin
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Indian Standard Time

Acknowledgements :
We gratefully acknowledge the sources which help enrich this Site.
Our interactions with The Monks of Ramakrishna Mission Order, devotees, volunteers and the Ramakrishna Vivekananda Movement have helped us gain insights and form and reform our opinions and they owe our gratitude.
individuals and institutions of various sects, faiths, creeds, religions and nations have helped us in our path to provide depth and breadth to our understandings and we embrace noble ideas coming from any source. We acknowledge their contribution in forming our thoughts, and ideas.