Pritam Banik

Date 23 November 2021

Gita Chapter 16 Gita Supersite at IIT Kanpur

Gita Dhyana Slokas

गीता ध्यानम्

Gita Chapter 16

मूल श्लोकः

श्री भगवानुवाच

अभयं सत्त्वसंशुद्धिः ज्ञानयोगव्यवस्थितिः।

दानं दमश्च यज्ञश्च स्वाध्यायस्तप आर्जवम्।।16.1।।

अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधस्त्यागः शान्तिरपैशुनम्।

दया भूतेष्वलोलुप्त्वं मार्दवं ह्रीरचापलम्।।16.2।।

तेजः क्षमा धृतिः शौचमद्रोहो नातिमानिता।
भवन्ति सम्पदं दैवीमभिजातस्य भारत।।16.3।।

दम्भो दर्पोऽभिमानश्च क्रोधः पारुष्यमेव च।
अज्ञानं चाभिजातस्य पार्थ सम्पदमासुरीम्।।16.4।।

दैवी सम्पद्विमोक्षाय निबन्धायासुरी मता।
मा शुचः सम्पदं दैवीमभिजातोऽसि पाण्डव।।16.5।।

द्वौ भूतसर्गौ लोकेऽस्मिन् दैव आसुर एव च।
दैवो विस्तरशः प्रोक्त आसुरं पार्थ मे श्रृणु।।16.6।।

प्रवृत्तिं च निवृत्तिं च जना न विदुरासुराः।
न शौचं नापि चाचारो न सत्यं तेषु विद्यते।।16.7।।

असत्यमप्रतिष्ठं ते जगदाहुरनीश्वरम्।
अपरस्परसम्भूतं किमन्यत्कामहैतुकम्।।16.8।।

एतां दृष्टिमवष्टभ्य नष्टात्मानोऽल्पबुद्धयः।
प्रभवन्त्युग्रकर्माणः क्षयाय जगतोऽहिताः।।16.9।।

काममाश्रित्य दुष्पूरं दम्भमानमदान्विताः।

चिन्तामपरिमेयां च प्रलयान्तामुपाश्रिताः।
कामोपभोगपरमा एतावदिति निश्िचताः।।16.11।।

आशापाशशतैर्बद्धाः कामक्रोधपरायणाः।
ईहन्ते कामभोगार्थमन्यायेनार्थसञ्चयान्।।16.12।।

इदमद्य मया लब्धमिमं प्राप्स्ये मनोरथम्।
इदमस्तीदमपि मे भविष्यति पुनर्धनम्।।16.13।।

असौ मया हतः शत्रुर्हनिष्ये चापरानपि।
ईश्वरोऽहमहं भोगी सिद्धोऽहं बलवान्सुखी।।16.14।।

आढ्योऽभिजनवानस्मि कोऽन्योऽस्ति सदृशो मया।
यक्ष्ये दास्यामि मोदिष्य इत्यज्ञानविमोहिताः।।16.15।।

अनेकचित्तविभ्रान्ता मोहजालसमावृताः।
प्रसक्ताः कामभोगेषु पतन्ति नरकेऽशुचौ।।16.16।।

आत्मसम्भाविताः स्तब्धा धनमानमदान्विताः।
यजन्ते नामयज्ञैस्ते दम्भेनाविधिपूर्वकम्।।16.17।।

अहङ्कारं बलं दर्पं कामं क्रोधं च संश्रिताः।
मामात्मपरदेहेषु प्रद्विषन्तोऽभ्यसूयकाः।।16.18।।

तानहं द्विषतः क्रूरान्संसारेषु नराधमान्।
क्षिपाम्यजस्रमशुभानासुरीष्वेव योनिषु।।16.19।।

असुरीं योनिमापन्ना मूढा जन्मनि जन्मनि।
मामप्राप्यैव कौन्तेय ततो यान्त्यधमां गतिम्।।16.20।।

त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मनः।
कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत्।।16.21।।

एतैर्विमुक्तः कौन्तेय तमोद्वारैस्त्रिभिर्नरः।
आचरत्यात्मनः श्रेयस्ततो याति परां गतिम्।।16.22।।

यः शास्त्रविधिमुत्सृज्य वर्तते कामकारतः।
न स सिद्धिमवाप्नोति न सुखं न परां गतिम्।।16.23।।

तस्माच्छास्त्रं प्रमाणं ते कार्याकार्यव्यवस्थितौ।
ज्ञात्वा शास्त्रविधानोक्तं कर्म कर्तुमिहार्हसि।।16.24।।

Bhagavad Gita Dhyana Sloka (With Lyrics) || Chanting By Swami Sarvagananda Ji || গীতা ধ্যান শ্লোক

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 (With Lyrics & Meaning) || Swami Sarvagananda Maharaj || Gita Path

Class Notes ON

Topic: Mind Control Made Easy ( Focus on 16th Chapter Bhagavad Gita )

Detailed Notes have been Made here

AND Some references are here

Resources :

Gita Online

Gita By Swami Ranganathananda

Book E-Book by VHE for this class ( The Art of Meditation)

Date 14 Sept 2021

During the Online Yoga Session

Following attended

I guess you were asking Mr Jitendra for his group of participants.

मुझे लगता है आप श्री जीतेन्द्र जी से उनके संपर्क में एक संग इकट्ठे इस कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने वालों की उपस्थिति के बारे में सूचना देने के लिए कह रहे थे।

मैं फिर भी अन्य जो लोग भाग लेते दिख रहे थे उनकी सूची नीचे लिख रहा हूँ

1Ajay Kumar Tiwari
2Ashutosh Singh
3Bhawana Sinha
4Dved Shahdeo
5JItendra Kumar Mahto
6Mahendra Bedia
7Mala Singh
8Nadus MAlik
9Parvati Kumari
10Pradip Kumar Barnwal
11Pritam Banik
12Rajesh Mahto
13Rekha Oraon
14Sanjay Kumar
15Sanjeev Sinha
16Shivshakar Mahto
17Sneha Pandey
18Sonu Kumr Sahu
19Tara Shahdeo

Date 19 July 2021

Selection a Portable WiFi Router

Go to Airtel Store at Main Road Near Big Bazar , Near Railway Overbridge

Ask for Micro Hitech Data Card

Any of these will do .

Rest of below is just for additional Information . You may ignore.


1. Micro Hitech 4G Hotspot Data Card

This small, pocket-sized hotspot device by Micro Hitech supports an uninterrupted 4G Airtel network. It has been designed in such a manner that you can enjoy 4G speeds even on non 4G devices. You can easily connect up to 10 WiFi enabled devices with this hotspot at the same time. Thanks to its multi-input and multi-output technology, it also ensures an impressive WiFi coverage. Just insert a 4G sim in this device and you are good to go. Other features include a battery backup of six hours and a standby time of 300 hours.

2. Airtel 4G Wi-Fi Hotspot Support 

This 4G Wi-Fi hotspot device comfortably fits in your pocket. It is battery operated with a six-hour battery (2300mAh) backup. You can connect up to 10 Wi-Fi enabled devices at once. It has a sleek body design and is lightweight. It has micro SD card support of up to 32 GB. The network is compatible with 4G, 3G, or 2G. The device gives a downloading speed of up to 150Mbps and the uploading speed is up to 50Mbps.

3. TP-Link TL-WA850RE

TP-Link Input type R-11 is a wifi dongle that is supported by ISPs such as MTNL, BSNL and Tata Indicom. It is designed to conveniently extend the coverage and improve the signal of an existing wireless network. Moreover, its Ethernet port allows the device to act as a wireless adaptor that turns a wired connection to a wireless network. With 300 Mbps wireless speeds, it is ideal for HD videos, streaming and playing music. Its miniature size and wall-mounted design makes it easy to deploy and move flexibly. The device has 5 signal lights that represent the current signal strength received from and existing router. It is also compatible with the latest windows 8 operating system.

Brief Introduction :


YOGA Sessions July 2021 | YOGA Sessions April 2021 | Live on Facebook | Youtube Link |

Full Attendance

Upcoming Events

Regular Classes

Past Events

Some Images


Appreciation letter from Medanta Ranchi, for taking class on stress management through yoga. About 50 nursing staff participated. The programme was a part of Nursing day 12th May, 2019.

YOGA Sessions July 2021

YOGA Sessions June July 2021

As on Date 27 June 2021

Wednesday, June 23 · 5:30 – 7:00am
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 540-929-1113‬ PIN: ‪331 284 233‬#
More phone numbers:

YOGA Sessions April 2021

START Date 14 April 2021


Yoga Session from 6 am to 7 am

Yoga Sessions 2021

Date No of Participants
Maximum attended
almost full session
14 April Wed57 to 65 38 to 41
15 April Thu27 25
16 April Fri 3631
17 April Sat No ClassNo Class
18 April Sun2622
19 April Mon2423
20 April TueNo classNo class
21 April Wed 2220


Date 14 April 2021

हमारे शरीर और आत्मा दोनों का योग

अगर आत्मा अलग हो जाये या शरीर क्षत विक्षत हो कर आत्मा से अलग हो जाये तो इस शरीर का अस्तित्व नहीं रहेगा

आत्मा का स्वरुप है – साक्षी , आनंद

दुःख शरीर से साथ आसक्ति के कारण है शरीर का दुःख है आत्मा तो सिर्फ आनद है

अतः द्रष्टा का भाव । निगरानी तब सचेत

मन पर नियंत्रण अन्यथा मन PAST FUTURE 

में भागता रहता है । ALERT  रहने पर लौट कर के आ जाता है

Date 15 April 2021

सजगता | अथ योग अनुशासनम् | Self Discipline |
द्रष्टा भाव रखने का ख्याल रखेंगे तो आनंद।

आसन – स्थिरं आसानं सुखासनम
प्राणायाम के बारे में। ..?????? ( तस्मिन् स्वास। .स्थगति… ??)

यम नियम आसान प्राणायाम प्रत्याहार ध्यान धारणा तक

बढ़ते रहो। आगे रास्ता दिख जायेगा। गुरु मिल जायेंगे .

Frozen Shoulder case – Diabetes में अक्सर , vertigo
7 चक्र कहीं disturb हुआ

मन को एकाग्र करें। Nature को resist नहीं। द्रष्टा भाव।

भ्रामरी प्राणायाम

  • BSY -S-VYASA , अलग अलग तरीका , संख्मुखी


जो पसंद नहीं वह करने का मन नहीं करता
पर मन पर नियन्त्र जरूरी

शरीर को हम देख रहे हैं। उसके कष्ट में लिप्त नहीं हो रहे , उलझ नहीं रहे।
हम आनंद स्वरूप हैं। दुःख दो शरीर का है। आत्मा का नहीं।
शरीर के धौंक में शामिल होने से आत्मा उलझता है ( ??)

अन्नमय कोश
प्राणमय कोश
मनोमय कोश
विज्ञानमय कोश
आनंदमय कोश

पंचकोश Annamaya kosha – physical sheath.
Pranamaya kosha – physiological or energy sheath.
Manomaya kosha – psychological or the mind sheath.
Vijnanamaya kosha – wisdom sheath.
Anandamaya kosha – bliss sheath.

द्रष्टा भाव। जागरूक रहना। मन कहीं और चला जायेगा पर लौट आएगा।
चोट लगेगी , दर्द भी होगा पर दुःख नहीं होगा अगर हम शरीर के दर्द से खुद को अलग रख सकें। द्रष्टा बन कर।

पसीना होने पर लोग चिड़चिड़ापन मसहूस करते हैं। बच्चों को खेलते समय पसीना निकलता है और वो मजे में खेलते रहते हैं। पसीने से नहीं , पसीने का साथ जुड़ाव के कारण दुःख महसूस होता है।

जब हमें कोई दर्द हो रहा हो , शरीर हमारा ध्यान अपने और आकर्षित कर रहा है। हम उस दर्द पर पूरा ध्यान लगा कर उसे अच्छी तरह महसूस करें। साँस लेने के समय दर्द और बढ़ता हुआ मसहूस होगा, साँस छोड़ने पर दर्द भी छोड़ने का प्रयास करें।

दर्द होगा पर दुःख नहीं होगा। दर्द के बावजूद आनंद होगा।
आत्मा द्रष्टा रहे , लिप्त नहीं हो , आनंद महसूस होगा।

21 April 2021

Focus .Ekagrata . Red Yellow Black White . Whatever we focus on we tend to find that.

22 April 2021

Panchmay koch 

Annmay Pranmay Manomay Vigyanmay Anandamay kosh

Gala Dharna : Cancer earlier Mrityu .. Alag 

Manomay Kosoh : Sab Apne Mitra “ 

Man Chancal 

Pranmy .. 


Vigyanmay Kosh 


Ananda mein 

Positive Vichar .. Swaas 

Prateek : 25-min Anna may | 10 Pranmay kapal bhati diaprahm etc | 5 min Manomay Vichar . Body part Viigyan 2.5 Sankalp Koi bhi Sankalp | 1 min Om kar  Anandmay : Omkarr ka uchaaran  

24 April 2021

Varanasi Monkey Story of Swami Vivekananda – Face the Brute

Gautam Buddha – Mustard seed from a house where no one has died

Take Deep breathe and meditate before sleep


Total Attended 65 , usually 38 to 41 were present at a given moment

Details of Participants are kept on Google docs- Sheets Here ..

They are on 14 April 2021

Ansh Raj
Anupma Kumari
Avdesh Sharma
Bage Harshit
Bhawna Sinha
Bindu Kumari
Buddhadev Jana
Chhoti Kiran Murmu
Devilal Soren
Jeni’s Barla
Kalpana Kumari Kalpana
Mamta Kumari
Manoj Sanwal
Miss Shurbhi Jee
Monika Vijaywargiya
Nadnidi Ranjan
Naresh Hembram
Navya Sinha
Neha Lakra
Neha sahu
Om Karmali
Perem Lata Minj
Pradip Kumar Barnwal
Pragya Sahu
Pritam Banik
Priya Tudu
Punam Singh
Raj Gupta
Raj Munda
Rajesh Kumar
Randhir Singh
Rani Kumari
Rekha Oraon
Rinku Kumar
Rohit Lohra
Rohit Tigga
Sanjeev Sinha
Sharda Suman
Shivam Kumar
Shiwang Kumar Singh
Soni Singh
Sonu Kumar
Ss501 Soni
Sudarshan Bedia
Sujata Kumari
Suman Tirkey
Surbhi Vijay
Surojit Mitra
Surya & Anmol

Attended on others days

Pravachan & discussions

De 18 April 2021

Time 4:33 to 5:30 Japa etc 

5:35 to 5:50 Gita 

SHAT Kram – Cleansing Neti  Basti Dhauti Nakali Tratak नेतिधौति, नौलि, बस्ति, कपालभाति, त्राटक 

Naak Se Vaat Kram Kapalbhati 

Sheet Kram Kapal 

Vyut Karma _ Naak 

I litre 1stp 

Sheet Kram Kapalbhati 

Kidney Lung 

Lena Mein Problem Kidney 

CHodne mein to 

CV70 Metabolic Stress ki Vajah 

Sashank Asan Shareer Ko Dekh paa rahe 

Drashta ka Bhav – Original Swaroop Mein Aa sakte hai 

Full Attendance ( Who joined, when , how long , when re-joined etc )

Attendance ( Full Record )

21 April 2021

20 April 2021 No class

19 April 2021 Monday

18 April 2021 6 am to 7:20 am

Date 17 April No class

Date : 16 April 2021 Friday

  • By Clicking on above ( class-list-2021-04-16-1 ) , the attendance record can be seen
  • For Records or for sharing , the report can also be downloaded by clicking on download button

It will appear like this

Some Software Tips

Using Auto-admit in Google Meet

It admits automatically users from outside the organisation!

If you install this extension in chrome then in Google meet rooms it will automatically lets users login by clicking the admit button on the popup.

You can switch the extension on/off from its menu.

Details here 

Link Install Extension in Google Chrome 
Visit here ( Only on laptop PC , not on mobile ) 
Using Automatic Attendance feature

Google Meet Attendance

Link for Installing Extension in Google Chrome 
Visit here ( Only on laptop PC , not on mobile )

OverviewCompatible with your device

A simple(r) way to record who attended a Google Meet session

This extension is intended for teachers (like me) who've had to rapidly transition to online classes and need a simple way to take attendance during a Google Meet.  As you start your Meet, you can enter a list of expected invitees and the extension will automatically detect who joined the call and how long they stayed.. You can save multiple class lists (which are shared to all of your devices).

The extension records which students attended, when they arrived and how long they stayed with all of the information displayed in a tidy HTML report. The latest v1.0.x release has an entirely user interface to manage student information - including the ability to add student-specific comments in the reports - and offers a much more flexible and extensible framework for new features in the future.

See the latest `what's new` video at
 --> v1.4.5 updated a couple of default ignore strings; fixed an issue with sorting with accent

Link for Installing Extension in Google Chrome
Visit here ( Only on laptop PC , not on mobile )

Live Stream issues

Live Stream Issues

when streaming audio and video content: Facebook Live File Formats: Maximum 720p (1280×720) resolution at 30 frames per second, with one key frame every two seconds. Must send an I-frame (keyframe) at least once every two seconds throughout the stream

Camera Settings | Video Settings

Set these :


FPS : 25/30 fps should suffice. If You go for more, More Bandwith will be needed.

Bit Rate : 4000 Kbps (4 mbps). Max . Recommended is 96 Kbps or 128 Kbps.

For sound

44.1 kHz is Good for Music and 22 kHz enough for Voice

It seems , 22 kHz should suffice in this case of Facebook live.

Other factors

Served Side Issues

Facebook Live is Free. And During Pandemic many people are using it, So there could be server overload. E.g 6 am India is 8:30 pm in Toronto , 7:30 pm in Texas and so much over load.

So the lag could be due to server side overload peaks


When we do live stream the transmission system has to do encoding , storage , buffering in real time, resulting in lag.

When recorded one on server is played. the same content can be on many mirror servers. So The load sharing can happen , improving speed

Further, Sites like
Youtube, Google Meet, Zoom, Vimeo have been doing these things of Video for years now.

They might have better grasp of technology of video than facebook might have and more resources for same . Facebook is mainly in Social Posts and Live video is a later feature and perhaps that have lot to improve on this

Professional Paid Class

When students register and say they pay enough to generate income over 10,000 p,m. , It would be better to go for paid feature of

Zoom or Vimeo

For Online Classes : Recorded or Live session for later view

Vimeo is one of best in market

Zoom Paid Version is one of Best amongst the video conference apps

Especially high quality recordings .

What is : FPS

FPS : Frame Per Second 12 to 14 FPS is enough for human eyes So anything above 20 FPS is Not required .

Some Net based Ideas

Here are the video format guidelines recommended for Facebook Live:

  • Recommended max Facebook bitrate is 4000 Kbps (4 Mbps).
  • Max resolution: 1080p (1920×1080) resolution, at 60 fps.
  • An I-frame (keyframe) must be sent at least every 2 seconds throughout the stream.
  • Titles must have fewer than 255 characters or the stream will fail.
  • H264 encoded video and AAC encoded audio-only.

Source: Facebook Reference Here

Some Videos

Six Daily Practice

षट्कर्म शरीर के अलग-अलग भाग की शुद्धि के लिए बनाए गए हैं. नौलि … षट्कर्म (अर्थात् ‘छः कर्म’) हठयोग में बतायी गयी छः क्रियाएँ हैं। … नेतिधौति, नौलि, बस्ति, कपालभाति, त्राटक 

Jal Neti

जल नेति क्रिया लाभ और विधि स्वामी रामदेव

Nasal Cleansing Yoga (Jala Neti kriya – जल नेति क्रिया) | Swami Ramdev

Date wise Interactions

Date 13 July 2021

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

The voice quality , background music noise is now at good volume and Your voice is now very audible and clear.

One slight correction is required in chanting the mantra. As far as I know the ending is त् ( with HALANT ) and not त

मामृतात् Pronunciation instead of मामृतात

Listening to this video from 1 min 00 sec to 1 min 35 sec will give an idea

1:00 Start of Mantra to 1:35 end of Mantra

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra (Om Tryambakam Yajamahe) 108 Times | Shiv Mantra | Suresh Wadkar

Also in Vedic Sanskrit , there is extra emphasis on letters indicated by Vertical Stand above a letter or horizontal line under a letter

But I guess Not many of the people are aware of how to actually interpret those marks Once Tapas maharaj had told me about this in case of Vedic Chanting. But I also don’t know how to do this correctly, Perhaps for ShantI Mantra of Vedic Chanting we should listen Monks of RK mission Belur Math through recording made during some events.

Some Key Words

Keyword basis navigation , exploration