Posting in Social Media
I tend to write sometime too much on Social Media. One need not be so keen on Posting. I amy have some insights that might be of value to me but not to others. Yet, if they don’t value me as a person or have low opinion of me due to perceptions like Not so Wealthy, Not Famous, Not powerful , Not of high status , not so smart, Not a high flyer, Has no Job, Has no Reputable Occupation – They will not like to read my post, It will look more like a nuisance. Despite all of above handicaps, If I understand the psyche of the group or the other person what they might value or aspire for , what ails them , If what I write appeal to them They might be more than willing to read or listen. So long it is WHAT I Value , I am Out of Luck . In case What I value matches with what they value, My expressions may look attractive to them and very satisfying to me as validation and having fulfilled the urge to express. In case what they value and I may or may not value, they will find my expressions attractive , Though if I don’t value what I share , I might Not feel very satisfied in the situation.
So what happens If I have found or discovered something of great value . Some rare pearls of wisdom.. Since they don’t know about it, how is it that they will value those pearls. It is through what they like. It’s through packaging.
This is the trick of Marketing .
What do people admire. Being Looked as Rich, Wealthy, Beautiful, Privileged due to Access to rare things that majority lack . So Palaces , Beautiful Houses, Diamonds, Flowers, Gorgeous dresses.
Till then , This is about them.
Now about Us About our ability to express that None can resist. It charms them .
How ? By speaking in their language , in a way that they relate to .
When people admire these how do you appeal to them ? How do you ensure they listen ? How do you ensure that not only do they listen but even start obeying you ?
By making a car that is beautiful to look at , Uncommon ( has Speed that most lack( 0 to 100 miles in 6 secs ) , Is Different from run of the mill mass car – Oh! It is Not that old IC engine , dirty and polluting ) , You have to prebook it and wait it out , It’s rare . It costs Very High … Oh ! So what , VSS of PayTM file pre-booked it. He also booked a 200 Crore mansion Farm house in Delhi..( Expressing that I am a class apart , Not run of the mill) . This is The CAR , EV Tesla . Will you like to have One .. Oh I will die to have one .. .Of course , But You don’t wish to look selfish or so self centred, DO You? Won’t you at least like to Pretend that You actually are concerned about others so much ? Won’t you like to let it be known that You are making a huge sacrifice At any cost so that The World becomes a better place ( I know most of you rich guys don’t really care , The whole world may go to hell and you won’t mind it if an atom bomb made life on earth extinct if You could get an option to Exit and Relocate to mars . .. But still that facade is Also what you want to put up … Don’t worry , we have you covered on this as well.
Let it be known , We are trying to save the planet earth. Solar will rule. The Middle east and those Sheikhs you hate in West so much , they will starve , We will snatch them their asset The Oil, Not by Bombing Iraq pretending to Save Kuwait But By Old style as in Indian Villages, Boycott them , Ostracise the. Last 300 years , We burned coal and become so prosperous , We burned oil and ruled the world Powered by that energy .. Now we have the money . Using that Money we developed our people, They know computers well and cane make Google , Zoom, Maps,FB, Apple , and now we have money even more and We can now afford Rs 30 lac car , They can afford to run 30 year old Scooter worth Rs 2000 due to old life .. If they can’t afford Rs 30 lac car , its their problem We can . We don’t mind if INDIA banishes 15 year old vehicles out of Road.
But I will now preach that World can be saved if We all go solar. They would like to save the world. , The masses – won’t they. Yes they will . And when they know that we are making the supreme sacrifice , by Using them so what if I have to pay a premium of 20 % or 100 % .. Well We are sacrificing so that World is saved. Now they will like it that GOVT gives those Poor guys in India Numbering Millions, some subsidy . After all NOTHING Great Comes without sacrifice and so Govt will bear the cost. But Really ? Govt will take from Left hand more than It gives from Right hand There will be taxes, There will be KYC, They will like to control you more as they obliged with that SUBSIDY money , And you will yield .You will loose your freedom a bit more. Govt will gain power , it will recover its money and the Business will get the High Money , All in name of sacrifice .
Had you done it reverse
Lets’ save planet . Lets Go solar. Lets pay high price , Lets sacrifice Lets pay High Tax to Govt. Lets. Loose our Freedom, Let’s make few person rice , a few Leaders powerful and let a handful of them rule us , dictate to us,
Are you ok with these preaching. ?
No !!
Oh ! See they don’t listen to me. I wish to be famous, Look beautiful, Look privileged, Become rich, They Don’t listen .
Thus The Bitter pills later , Sugar coat it. Put up a facade. Put up the appearances.
Of course , I am
Suppose we had
Suppose they like Amitabh Bachchan On KBC, or Elon Musk for EV Cars ,
Do Not Cast Your Pearls before swine
Preach only before receptive audiences.
A) Why Purdah
B) Why Appearnces
C) Why inside stuff
D) What professions we aspire for .