Infection , Disease – Health & Wellbeing
Infection , Disease – Health & Wellbeing
संक्रमण और स्वास्थ्य
Health is a state of well being. It is not merely absence of diseases.
One of the time tested method of being in a State of Good Health is AYURVEDA आयुर्दवेद
What is AYURVEDA आयुर्वेद
AYURVEDA आयुर्वेद आयुर् + वेद =आयुः + वेद = Life +
आयुः is life , जीवन , जिन्दगी। or long life .
e.g. When we wish someone long life of health & vitality, usually we will way – आयुष्मान भव।
वेद etymologically originates from root verb √विद् = To Know
वेद implies Knowledge.
वेद : While many usually understand Veda as if they mean the Four Books – Yajur , Saam, Atharva. Rig Veda. .
आयुर्वेद = Knowledge about (long) Life
Infection : “Self “Knows Much more than any “health expert”
For protections from infections
- Reduce load of Microbes –
- Increase Resilience or ability to Maintain balance despite the microbes
There are millions of microbes around us. Yet some fall sick others don’t . This has to do with the inherent strength of the individual . Unless our bodies and minds are predisposed to the outside negative influences – we won’t fall sick. The same life force that keeps us alive, ensures are heartbeat, breathing of air and exhalation, digestion of food , growth of body – has an ” intelligence ” far more than many are willing to admit.
Just because a person does not consciously know or lacks the vocabulary of what is WBC, Red Blood Cell, oxytocin or pancreas or islets of langerhans and so many jargon that the ” medically trained” & registered as ” NOT Quacks ” does not mean that that human will fail to make the needed and very perfect – WBC, RBC, insulin , various hormones , enzymes
The same ” life force” will also be able to find ways to deal with environment that may potentially cause infection.
Reliability of PCR Tests
Reliability of PCR Tests w.r.t. Infection and risk of spread
PCR Tests [ for SARS-CoV-2 i.e Covid 19 or Novel Corona Virus ]
Let’s listen to someone who claims to have domain knowledge and seems to have conscience
Some Quick Points :
A) PCR – Virus may be dead or alive. It will show positive
Will even give positive if you have fought off successfully due to immunity ( 98 % have shown to do so ) and thus RNA of dead Virus is all you have in swabs.
B) Low antibody need not mean low immunity. Memory cells ( T cells ) matter not antibody as such
C) False positive chances 10 to 1 likely
D) By admitting people with mild symptoms we are likely increases risk to them ( through viral load ) and at the same bloating the overloaded care system
A) The test is Testing Virus – Dead or Alive Does not matter.
It is NOT testing Live Virus . But Some Strands of RNA .. so In lot many cases especially those having NO symptoms , Those individuals already had exposure . They successfully fought off and there are dead cells in body . Since it’s magnified test ,it will detect event trace of of strands left from Virus that has been destroyed by body’s immune system .
.B) The antibody . .Lower need not mean low immunity .
If antibody falls in individual that does not mean , the immunity is down . That means the body or that group of population has lower incidences and so the body has started to sense lower threat perceptions and accordingly no more on red-alert with fighters all the time… What happens is that when the body has fought off successfully , it remembers .. patterns , Memory of the struggle and next time it is ready to fight of an effective response and ward off in hours even in minutes… at molecular level ..the memory pf that experience is embedded in in T cells
C) False Positives 10:01
– It’s quite likely that due to such methods .. the false positive to true positive ( Live virus ) and hence could infect … is 10 : 01 ( D) Those who had exposure to SARS in 2003 even after 17 years ,in 2020 have shown immunity to SARS COV2 .. So just like other common cold
– Since many ill trained people and quite fatigued due to overwork are doing testings, many errors may creep in in Positives
My guess & Hope
If Some one has symptoms , PCR shows Positive , Possibly live Virus is there.
But the quantum ( viral load ) may be low many times .
Risk of high viral load is in people who are in Hospitals especially COVID Care centre.
So if already someone ha live virus , already the body is fighting , we are effectively deluging him or her with 10 times or 100 times more Foreigners to fight with .
No doubt the high mortality of doctors & sttaff ( high exposure risks and low immunity due fatigue and overwork without rest )
It’s quite possible that the person will fight off the Virus ( most do …. 98 % who survived without any medical intervention )
– He has had attack of other flue or common cold in last few years.
– Has good immunity due to Being Rested , Good Sleep , Adequately fed
Health and Well Being through Process of Yoga : Keeping Body , Mind Fit :
There are some general routines . In case of infection related to respiratory systems – diseases that spread from contact of mucous, breath of others – they take hold of our body through mouth & nose.
It will do well to learn some of the specific methods to manage health condition in those cases. e.g
Nasal & mouth cleansing, | Making those areas maintained under hygiene through Sauch cleanliness – like breathing methods, use of water and flushing unwelcome things away
You may take help from any of the good yoga instructors
One I can recommend is this . He will be happy to be of help.
Morning Yoga Sessions
Morning Yoga Session Link
Pritam Banik:
Yog practices at 6am
कोरोना के काल में योग अभ्यास से लाभ होगा
अगर संभव हो तो रात्रि दस या ग्यारह तक सो जाएं
सुबह ६ बजे ज्वाइन कर लें।
कुछ दें ग्रुप में समूह में अभ्यास करने के बाद अकेले भी करेंगे तो कर सकते हैं
यह राँची से प्रसारित हो रहा है। श्री प्रीतम बानिक जी इसका अभ्यास करवाते हैं
साथ में हैं राजेश कुमार।
इन्होने कई पब्लिक कार्यक्रम करवाये हैं
रामकृष्ण मिशन मोराबादी , राँची में भी सुबह और शाम योग का कार्यक्रम होता है जो इनके मार्गदर्शन में
अभ्यासी – बच्चे, स्त्री , पुरुष अभ्यास करते हैं
Some Videos
Six Cleansing Methods
The Traditional Methods
Dry Ginger
Dr Hitesh Jani
NELG 78th Webinar on Immunization OR Vaccination NELG By Renowned Ayurvedacharya Vaidya Hitesh Jani
Ginger and Saunth as Remedy
Prevention in Pandemic Boost your Immunity With Ayurved Dry Ginger || The Wellness Revolution
Some Terms
Term ” Veda ”
By Veda , No books are meant. It is not mere book, though books do contain some or much knowledge , though not all. Gita is a book, Ramayan is a book , so is Bible, Koran, Guru Granth Saheb, Zend Avesta and so on.
All these book contain great spiritual treasures of the world.
But to say that Jesus is What the Bible says and nothing more is being naive. Bible contains his life and teachings. But only so much not fully.
Similarly Most books would touch upon a knowledge but not fully as there is not limit to knowledge – by nature it’s inifinite.
We try to grasp the infinite with help of finite and that is the best way can do . Try to expand of mind and comprehension to get to the truth .
There is general misconception or lack of awareness about Ayurveda. We will deal with that in separate section.
Is is not merely use of some jadee booti
Ayurveda is Not just Indian Knowledge – It’s knowledge and Knowledge can have no boundaries.
Ayurveda : Even Modern Antibiotics can be in it’s scope
As such , Not just the Indian Traditional systems but all the systems of the world – traditional or modern can come within the ambit of आयुर्वेद . Some might consider getting it too far – it is not . Knowledge has no boundaries. Someone discovers a Truth or a fact or a way and some else can also discover the same truth . It can be shared and it can be discovered ab initio as well. Two persons can and do come to same truth independently
Physics and bio
What Ayurveda is NOT
My Observations
The Six Cleansing Methods
Health and Hygiene are closely interlinked.
Much of the dental problem can be addressed by oral hygiene
Much of the respiratory issues can be addressed by Respiratory hygiene .
Issue : I would frequently catch cold with runny nose, balgam and suffer from coughs and cold
Potential Cause : Abuses on body due to Hostile environment
Solution (A) : Free Medical Care By Company . All bills paid . Courses of antibiotics, cough syrups , gargling with warm water, Betadine etc . General Feeling of lack of control on own health and well being . Well known side effects of These chemicals.
Solution (B) : Yoga Methods _ 10 minutes of Basic Yoga asanas and Pranayam 5 minutes of NETI
This needed prior training for 3 weeks of training session one hour morning and one hour evening
For a decade I was posted in a thermal power plant. This period took heavy toll on my health and of many others Coal Dust inhalation Thermal Shocks Control room at 20 to 25 Deg C and need to frequently go outside at temperature of 50 deg nearing boiler and steam turbine and various heat exchangers Circadian rhytm disturbance due to rotating shift duty ( night , early mornings ) every 2 days sleep time would have to change
Thankfully Instructors from Bihar School of Yoga visited us .
They taught us the methods of Yoga ( and it’s not just asanas )
One thing
The rotational night shifts , the
Study Materials
Online Sessions Zoom Google Meet Etc
- सादर आमंत्रण *
योग से रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढाना है, सतर्कता व सावधानी से कोरोना महामारी को हराना है
स्वामी विवेकानंद स्टडी सर्कल के द्वारा कोरोना जागरूकता अभियान के अंतर्गत आज दिनांक 23 अप्रैल 2021,दिन-शुक्रवार को सायं 4:30 बजे से Zoom Meeting App पर परम पूज्यपाद स्वामी तन्मयानंद जी महाराज (सचिव, श्री रामकृष्ण विवेकानंद सेवाश्रम,अंबिकापुर) व श्री प्रीतम बानिक जी ( योग प्रशिक्षक,रामकृष्ण मिशन विवेकानंद विश्वविद्यालय,राँची व प्रांतीय सह् सचिव इंडियन योग एसोशिएसन, झारखंड ) का मार्गदर्शन सत्र का आयोजन किया गया है …जिसमें स्वास्थ्य रक्षा व रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढाने की योग पद्धति तथा मानसिक तनाव मुक्ति के उपाय पर चर्चा की जायेगी …आशा ही नहीं पूर्ण विश्वास है यह सत्र आप सभी के लिए अत्यंत उपयोगी सिद्ध होगा.
कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने के लिए अपने Mobile के Play store से Zoom Cloud meeting App डाउनलोड करें तथा नींचे दिए गए लिंक पर Click कर Meeting ID-8435338747 तथा Pass Code -1234 दर्ज कर Zoom meeting join कर सकते हैं.
Join Zoom meeting –
Meeting ID-8435338747
Pass code -1234
समय -23 अप्रैल 2021,शुक्रवार,सायं 4:30 बजे से
स्वामी विवेकानंद स्टडी सर्कल के YouTube channel को subscribe कर Live कार्यक्रम से जुड सकते हैं –
अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें -7024398955,8435338747
Join Telegram Group —
*कृपया इस Msg को अपने परिवारिक सदस्यों, मित्रों तथा संपर्क के अन्य लोगों
को शेयर करें ताकि अधिक से अधिक लोग लाभांवित हो सकें?
Notes of RK Mission स्वास्थ्य रक्षा व रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढाने की योग पद्धति
Some Sites
Some Relevant Sites
We are a Peace Development Environment Network. Our aim is to bring about a more peaceful world by using action, education/training, dissemination and research.
Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine –
We must take responsibility for the way we feel. The notion that others can make us feel good or bad is untrue. Consciously or—more frequently— unconsciously, we are choosing how we feel at every single moment. The external world is in so many ways a mirror of our beliefs and expectations. Why we feel the way we feel is the result of the symphony and harmony of our own molecules of emotion that affect every aspect of our physiology, producing blissful good health or miserable disease.
We have the hubris to think that just because we invented electric lightbulbs, we can keep any hours we want. But neuropeptide informational substances link our biological clocks to the motions of the planets, which is why your quality of sleep—and wakefulness—is likely to improve the more closely your retiring and your rising are linked to darkness and daylight. If you get to sleep between 10 and 11 P.M., most of you will be able to wake up naturally and rested with the sunrise, if not before.
Molecules of Emotion_ The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine ( PDFDrive ).pdf
Vested Interests
Big pharma and health care: unsolvable conflict of interests between private enterprise and public health
Affiliations expand
- PMID: 18982834
Free article
A landmark paper on Game Theory showed that individual maximization of profit necessarily endangers the public good, and since the problem has no technical solution, “it requires a fundamental extension in morality” (1). We propose here that public health, as a public good, now emerges as a grave example of this problem. Recent events and reports increasingly suggest misalignment between the interests of the pharmaceutical industry and those of public health. Johnson & Johnson illegally and effectively promoted Propulsid off-label for children despite internal company documents raising safety concerns. Death in drug trial has been described as a “trade secret.” On Vioxx, Topol wrote: “Sadly, it is clear that Merck’s commercial interest exceeded its concern about the drug’s toxicity” (2). More and more concerns are raised by scholars and major journal editors about the type and the quality of published evidence, often biased towards efficacy of new products. The industry, funding over 80% of trials, sets up a research agenda guided more by marketing than by clinical considerations. Smart statistical and epidemiological tactics help obtain the desired results. Budget for marketing is by far greater than for research. Massive advertising to physicians and to the public gets increasingly sophisticated: ghost writing, professional guidelines, targeting of consumer groups and manipulating media for disease mongering. Pervasive lobbying and political ties limit the independence of regulatory bodies. Obligation to shareholders overriding public health considerations is not unique to the pharmaceutical industry. The chemical, tobacco and food industries share similar tactics: proclaiming doubts about safety issues, buying researchers, infiltrating universities, boards, media and legislative agencies. By contrast, powerful and cheap health promoting activities, poorly supported by industry because they are too cheap and not patented, are markedly underutilized: technologies for changing behavior (e.g., cardiac rehabilitation), palliative care and use of old, effective and safe drugs – all could benefit from industry’s tools of marketing and quality. As those most affected are the sick, the poor and the least educated, free market successes appear to pose unsolvable challenges to social justice in public health.
Bill Gates
Gates Foundation Buys Stakes in Drug Makers
By David Bank and Rebecca BuckmanStaff Reporters of The Wall Street JournalMay 17, 2002 12:01 am ET
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has purchased shares in nine big pharmaceutical companies valued at nearly $205 million — an investment likely to attract attention more for its symbolism than its size.
The foundation, the nation’s largest with an endowment of $24.2 billion from Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates and his wife, already is a major force in international health issues, contributing $555 million in 2000 alone to global health programs. The organization has emerged as a prominent voice in the debate over how to supply cheaper drugs for AIDS and other diseases to poor countries. At times, it has assumed the role of a broker between poor nations and drug companies.
Now, as an investor in Merck & Co., Pfizer Inc., Johnson & Johnson and others, the Gates foundation has a financial interest in common with makers of AIDS drugs, diagnostic tools, vaccines and other drugs. The stock purchases are a new type of investment for the foundation: In the past it held primarily bonds and other nonequity investments.
Joe Cerrell, a spokesman for the Seattle-based Gates foundation, says the stock investments, reported this week in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, are independent of the foundation’s programs. The stocks were chosen by Michael Larson, a money manager who has considerable discretion in selecting investments for the foundation and for Mr. Gates personally, through an entity called Cascade Investment LLC. Mr. Larson, through a spokesman, declined to comment about the rationale.
The foundation’s investments in “Big Pharma” could spur controversy, given Mr. Gates’ staunch support of strict intellectual-property protections for drugs in poor countries. Mr. Gates’ stance on intellectual property is as important to Microsoft’s software business as it is to drugmakers.
“The impression people have, because of the types of projects Gates has funded and because of his Microsoft background, is that he has an ax to grind on the intellectual-property front,” says James Love, director of the Consumer Project on Technology, who works with African officials to obtain low-cost drugs.
Understanding How The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Works – Part 3
Sales & Marketing
Marketing always starts with the customer and ends with the customer as they are the valuable assets for the country. Marketing is a business activity by which it means that the flow of goods and products will flow from the manufacturer to the customer (End user). Pharmaceutical marketing is a well organized information system. It helps the physicians to update about accessibility safety, effectiveness and techniques of consuming the medicin
Much ado over vaccines
Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself has been seeking support from Bill Gates – technocrat, philanthropist and the world’s wealthiest man – for his ambitious Universal Immunisation Programme
Inside Bill Gates’ high-stakes quest to vaccinate the world against COVID-19
Nov. 23, 2020 at 12:01 am Updated Nov. 23, 2020 at 10:45 am
Billionaire Bill Gates says this is the best investment he’s ever made
Sleep & Infection
The Bidirectional Relationship between Sleep and Immunity against Infections
How Sleep Affects Immunity
some Video
What is the flu?
Specific Topic
Some Topics
Yoga Instructors Methods :
Pritam’s Practical Demo & Advice
शीतक्रम कपालभांति
शीतक्रम कपालभांति। इस अभ्यास में एक ग्लास हल्का गर्म जल लेंगे और उसमें थोड़ा सा नमक मिला देंगे। उसके बाद जल को मुंह में भरना है। फिर जल को जीभ से अंदर खींचना है और श्वास छोड़ते हुए नाक से निकाल देना है। इस अभ्यास को किसी योग अभ्यासी को साथ में रखकर ही करना है। अभ्यास करने के बाद कपालभांति करते हुए नाक को अच्छे से झाड़कर अंदर के जल की बूंदों को निकाल देना है। थोड़ी देर सामने झुककर नाक से जमे हुए जल बूंदों को निकलने देना है। जिनका भी नाक से खून निकलता हो, ब्लड प्रेशर बढ़ा हुआ रहता हो या अन्य कोई गंभीर रोग हो,उनको नही करना है।
Other Sources for This Kapalnbhati
शीतक्रम कपालभांति Pritam’s Students
शीतक्रम कपालभांति Other sources
Jal Neti
जल नेति क्रिया लाभ और विधि स्वामी रामदेव