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Webinars & Live Streaming Videos

(1) Earning & Spending Money – Not Rising at the Cost of Others . Thakur Sadhu SAtkarya – Money like Blood – Will Not last

(2) Samsaar Tyaga – Anasakti

(3) Mind – Why Fall from High State – Asakati to Kamini Kanchan – Housefly Butterfly – Nitya Anitya Vichar

(4) Grace of Avtar – But then Patrata

(5) Treating All with Respect and Kindness – Pagli

(6) Question – Jyadar Profession mein Doosra Pain Point hai – Address that ..

मंगलवार, १३ अप्रैल १८८६

काशीपुर –  एक पगली – भक्तगण मारते भी हैं, – ईर्ष्या  – वे मेरे भी गुरु हैं और संसार के भी गुरु हैं –  हम लोगों ने उन्हें कष्ट नहीं दिया? –  नरेन्द्र  – देखा जाए तो दूध का धोया कोई नहीं है –  नये वर्ष का पहला दिन है – श्रीरामकृष्ण के पादपद्मों में अबीर और पुष्प चढ़ाए  –  नरेन्द्र – स्त्रियों के साथ रहकर ईश्वर की प्राप्ति में घोर विघ्न है।’ –  मैं शान्ति चाहता हूँ, मैं  ईश्वर को भी नहीं चाहता। – ‘सत्यं ज्ञानमनन्तम्।’ – नरेन्द्र, काली और तारक दक्षिणेश्वर कालीमन्दिर –  वहाँ पंचवटी के नीचे बैठकर तपस्या और साधना करेंगे –  श्रीरामकृष्ण की शय्या के पास औषधि तथा अन्य आवश्यक वस्तुएँ रखी हुई हैं। –  भक्तों को रात में बारी-बारी से जागना पड़ता है –  गिरीश, लाटू और मास्टर –  श्रीरामकृष्ण (गिरीश से)   (लाटू से)  – तम्बाकू पिला और पान दे –  कुछ मिठाई – भक्त ने कई मालाएँ  –  दो मालाएँ निकालकर गिरीश – मणि को – 

भक्त –  सात आठ साल का लड़का आज डेढ़ साल हुए गुजर  –  लड़के की पुस्तक देखकर कल रात को बहुत रोए थे – स्त्री भी ब च्चे के शोक से पागल-सी – दूसरे बच्चों को मारती है और उठाकर पटक देती – 

गिरीश – अर्जुन –  गीता –  पुत्र के शोक से मूर्च्छित – 

फागू की दूकान की गर्म कचौड़ियाँ, पूड़ियाँ और दूसरी मिठाइयाँ। – कचौड़ी रजोगुणी भोजन  – गिरीश को पीने के लिए पानी – पानी अधिक ठण्डा नहीं है –  इच्छा न न होते हुए भी गिरीश को वही पानी पीने के लिए दिया –  मणि श्रीरामकृष्ण को पंखे से हवा

देवेन्द्रबाबू संसार का त्याग –  घरवालों के भरण-पोषण की क्या व्यवस्था होगी, संसार कैसे चल सकेगा? – 

गिरीश  –  कौन सा ठीक है? कष्ट में संसार का त्याग करना या संसार में रहकर उन्हें पुकारना?

श्रीरामकृष्ण – (मास्टर से) क्या गीता में तुमने नहीं देखा? अनासक्त हो संसार में रहकर कर्म करते रहने पर, सब मिथ्या समझकर ज्ञानलाभ के पश्चात् संसार में रहने पर अवश्य ही ईश्वर- प्राप्ति होती है।

कष्ट – संसार का त्याग –  निम्न कोटि 

संसार में रहनेवाला ज्ञानी – काँच के घर में –  वह भीतर-बाहर सब देखता है।”

मन-उच्च भूमि, फिर नीचे गिर जाता है 

 संसार में रहने से –  भक्ति मात्रा  – कामिनी और कांचन की ओर  मन – साधारण मक्खी – मधुमक्खी फूल पर  – यथार्थ त्यागी हैं, उन्हें ईश्वर के सिवा – विषय चर्चा – 

राखाल आदि  –  अच्छा है और कौनसा बुरा, क्या सत्य है और क्या मिथ्या –  स्त्री है, लड़का – सब मिथ्या है, अनित्य है – ये संसार में लिप्त न होंगे। – ‘पाँकाल’ मछली 

गिरीश – आप चाहें तो सब को निलिप्त और शुद्ध   – मलयानिल काठ चन्दन – सेमर – क्ति नदी के उमड़ने पर चारों ओर बॉसभर पानी चढ़ जाता है।

भक्ति उन्माद – तुलसी दल – दूर्वादल  – भक्ति के होने पर और कुछ नहीं चाहत

 विजय गोस्वामी – पगली-सी स्त्री – काली-संगीत और ब्रह्मगीत मधुरभाव है –  रोती  – सिर में दर्द हो रहा है – आपकी कृपा -‘मन से उतारने’ का प्रयोग यह किस अर्थ में कर रही है? गिरीश-  पगली धन्य है- अनिष्ट कभी हो ही नहीं सकता। पहले आलस्य था,-  ईश्वरनिर्भरता में परिणत हो गया। पापी – निरहंकार हो गया हूँ

श्रीरामकृष्ण (गिरीश से) कामिनी और कांचन, यही संसार है – रुपये को अपनी देह के खून – कितना भी प्यार – एक दिन –  छोड़कर निकल जाएगा।

“जो लोग रुपये का सद्यवहार करते हैं श्रीठाकुरजी और साधुओं की सेवा में, दान आदि सत्कर्मों में खर्च करते हैं, वास्तव में उन्हीं का धनोपार्जन सफल होता है। उन्हीं की खेती तैयार होती है।

 “डाक्टर और कविराजों की चीजें – दूसरों के शारीरिक रोग-दुःखों का व्यापार – अर्थोपार्जन –  धन मानो खून और पीब है।”  राजेन्द्र दत्त- एक पैसा भी नहीं-  दान भी करता है।

रदर्शन किसे कहते हैं और किस तरह होते हैं?

श्रीरामकृष्ण : वैष्णव कहते हैं कि ईश्वरमार्ग के पथिक चार प्रकार के होते हैं – प्रवर्तक, साधक, सिद्ध और सिद्धों में सिद्ध। जो पहले ही पहल मार्ग पर आया है वह प्रवर्तक है। जो भजन-पूजन, जप-ध्यान, नाम-गुणकीर्तनादि करता है वह साधक है। जिसे ईश्वर के अस्तित्व का अनुभव मात्र हुआ है वह सिद्ध है। उसकी वेदान्त में एक उपमा है, – वह यह कि अँधेरे घर में बाबूजी सो रहे हैं। कोई टटोलकर उन्हें खोज रहा है। कोच पर हाथ जाता है, तो वह मन ही मन कह उठता है – यह नहीं है; झरोखा छू जाता है तो भी कह उठता है – यह नहीं है; दरवाजे में हाथ लगता है तो यह भी नहीं है, – नेति नेति नेति। अन्त में जब बाबूजी की देह पर हाथ लगा तो कहा – यह – बाबूजी यह हैं; अर्थात् अस्ति का बोध हुआ। बाबूजी को प्राप्त तो किया किन्तु भलीभाँति जान-पहचान नहीं हुई।

Date 29 Aug 2024

Study material for 29.08.2024.
1st part will read Sri Prasant
2nd part will read Sri Suman or Sri Saikat
Summarization Sri Sanjeev Sinha

 तव कथामृतं तप्तजीवनं 

कववविरीवितं कल्मषापहम्। 

श्रवणमंगलं श्रीमदाततं 

िुवव गृणन्ति ये िूररदा जना:।। 


Tuesday, April 13, 1886 

Sri Ramakrishna was seated with the devotees. A crazy woman had been troubling everybody in order to see the Master. She had assumed toward him the attitude of a lover and often ran into the garden house and burst into the Master’s room. She had even been beaten by the devotees; but that did not stop her. 

Sashi: “If she comes again I shall shove her out of the place!” 

Master (tenderly): “No, no! Let her come and go away.” 

Rakhal: “At the beginning I too used to feel jealous of others when they visited the Master. But he graciously revealed to me that my guru is also the Guru of the Universe. Has he taken this birth only for a few of us?” 

Sashi: “I don’t mean that. But why should she trouble him when he is ill? And she is such a nuisance!” 

Rakhal: “We all give him trouble. Did we all come to him after attaining perfection? Haven’t we caused him suffering? How Narendra and some of the others behaved in the beginning! How they argued with him!’” 

Sashi: “Whatever Narendra expressed in words he carried out in his actions.” 

Rakhal: “How rude Dr. Sarkar has been to him! No one is guiltless, if it comes to that.” 

Master (to Rakhal, tenderly): “Will you eat something?” 

Rakhal: “Not now. Later on.” 

Sri Ramakrishna asked M., by a sign, whether he was going to have his meal there. 

Rakhal (to M.): “Please take your meal here. He is asking you to.” 

Sri Ramakrishna was seated completely naked. He looked like a five-year-old boy. Just then the crazy woman climbed the stairs and stood near the door. 

M. (in a low voice, to Sashi): “Ask her to salute him and go away. Don’t make any fuss.” 

Sashi took her downstairs. 

It was the first day of the Bengali year. Many woman devotees arrived. They saluted Sri Ramakrishna and the Holy Mother. Among them were the wives of Balaram and Manomohan, and the brahmani of Baghbazar. Several of them had brought their children along. 

Some of the women offered flowers at the Master’s feet. Two young girls, nine or ten years of age, sang a few songs. 

First they sang: 


We moan for rest, alas! but rest can never find; We know not whence we come, nor where we float away. Time and again we tread this round of smiles and tears; In vain we pine to know whither our pathway leads, And why we play this empty play. . . . 



There comes Radha, and there see your Krishna, With arching eyes and the flute at His lips. . . . 

And finally: 


O tongue, always repeat the name of Mother Durga! Who but your Mother Durga will save you in distress? . . . 

Sri Ramakrishna said by a sign: “That’s good! They are singing of the Divine Mother.” 

The brahmani of Baghbazar had the nature of a child. Sri Ramakrishna told Rakhal, by a sign, to ask her to sing. The devotees smiled as the brahmani sang: 


O Hari, I shall sport with You today; For I have found You alone in the nidhu wood. . . . 

The woman devotees went downstairs. 

It was afternoon. M. and a few other devotees were seated near the Master. Narendra came in. He looked, as the Master used to say, like an unsheathed sword. 

Narendra sat down near the Master and within his hearing expressed his utter annoyance with women. He told the devotees what an obstacle women were in the path of God-realization. 

Sri Ramakrishna made no response. He listened to Narendra. 

Narendra said again: “I want peace. I do not care even for God.” 

Sri Ramakrishna looked at him intently without uttering a word. Now and then Narendra chanted, “Brahman is Truth, Knowledge, the Infinite.” 

Friday, April 16, 1886 

The moon was shining brilliantly, flooding the garden paths, the trees, and the water of the lake with its white rays. Girish, M., Latu, and a few other devotees were seated on the steps leading to the lake. The house stood to the west of the lake. A lamp burnt in the Master’s room on the second floor. Sri Ramakrishna was sitting on his bed. There were several devotees in the room. 

A few minutes later Girish and M. were strolling along a garden path lined with flowering plants and fruit-trees. 

M: “How beautiful this moonlight is! Perhaps nature has had the same laws from time out of mind.” 

Girish: “How do you know that?” 

M: “There is no change in the uniformity of nature. European scientists have been discovering new stars through the telescope. There are mountains on the moon; they have seen them.” 

Girish: “It is difficult to be sure of that. It is hard for me to believe it” 

M: “Why? The mountains have been observed through the telescope.” 

Girish: “How can you be sure that they have been rightly observed? Suppose there are other things between the moon and the earth. Light passing through them may conjure up such visions.” 

Narendra, Rakhal, Niranjan, Sarat, Sashi, Baburam, Kali, Jogin, Latu, and a few other young devotees had been living at the Cossipore garden house in order to nurse Sri Ramakrishna. That evening Narendra, Kali, and Tarak had gone to Dakshineswar. They were going to spend the night in the Panchavati, meditating on God. 

Girish, Latu, and M. went to Sri Ramakrishna’s room and found him sitting on the bed. Sashi and one or two devotees had been tending the Master. Baburam, Niranjan, and Rakhal also entered the room. It was a large room. Some medicines and a few other accessories were kept near the bed. One entered the room by a door at the north end. 

Since Sri Ramakrishna had to be tended all night, the devotees stayed awake by turns. The devotee who tended him fixed Sri Ramakrishna’s mosquito net and then either lay on a mat on the floor or spent the night sitting up. Since Sri Ramakrishna got very little sleep on account of his illness, his attendant, too, slept very little. 

That evening Sri Ramakrishna was somewhat better. The devotees saluted the Master and sat down on the floor. The Master asked M. to bring the lamp near him. He greeted Girish cordially. 

Master (to Girish): “Are you quite well? (To Latu) Prepare a smoke for him and give him a betel-leaf.” 

A few minutes afterwards he asked Latu to give Girish some refreshments. Latu said that they had been sent for. 

Sri Ramakrishna was sitting up. A devotee offered him some garlands of flowers. Sri Ramakrishna put them around his neck one by one. Was he thus worshipping God who dwelt in his heart?” The devotees looked at him wonderingly. He took two garlands from his neck and gave them to Girish. 

Every now and then Sri Ramakrishna asked whether the refreshments had been brought. 

M. was fanning the Master. On the bed was a sandal-wood fan, the offering of a devotee. The Master gave it to M., who continued to fan him with it. He also gave M. two garlands. 

M. had lost a son aged seven or eight about a year and a half before. The child had seen the Master many a time. Latu was telling Sri Ramakrishna about M. 

Latu: “M. wept bitterly last night at the sight of some books that had belonged to his dead child. His wife is almost mad with grief. She sometimes treats her other children violently. She creates a scene at home because he spends the night here now and then.” 

Sri Ramakrishna seemed worried to hear of this. 

Girish: “It is nothing to be wondered at. Even after receiving the instruction of the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna fainted from grief at the death of his son Abhimanyu.” 

Girish was given the refreshments on a tray. Sri Ramakrishna took a grain and Girish accepted the rest as prasad. He sat in front of the Master and began to eat. He needed water to drink. There was an earthen jug in the southeast corner of the room. It was the month of April, and the day was hot. Sri Ramakrishna said, “There is some nice water here.” 

The Master was so ill that he had not enough strength even to stand up. And what did the disciples see to their utter amazement? They saw him leave the bed, completely, naked, and move toward the jug! He himself was going to pour the water into a tumbler. The devotees were almost frozen with fear. The Master poured the water into a glass, he poured a drop or two into his hand to see whether it was cool. He found that it was not very cool; but since nothing better could be found, he reluctantly gave it to Girish. 

Girish was eating the sweets. The devotees were sitting about, and M. was fanning Sri Ramakrishna. 

Girish (to the Master): “Deben Babu has decided to renounce the world.” 

On account of his illness Sri Ramakrishna could hardly talk. Touching his lips with his finger, he asked Girish, by signs, “Who will feed his wife and children?” 

Girish: “I don’t know.” 

The other devotees remained silent. Girish began talking again while he ate the refreshments. 

Girish: “Sir, which is wiser—to renounce the world regretfully, or to call on God, leading a householder’s life?” 

Master (to M.): “Haven’t you read the Gita? One truly realizes God if one performs one’s worldly duties in a detached spirit, if one lives in the world after realizing that everything is illusory. 

“Those who regretfully renounce the world belong to an inferior class. 

“Do you know what a householder jnani is like? He is like a person living in a glass house. He can see both inside and outside.” 

Again there was silence in the room. 

Master (to M.): “The refreshments are hot and good.” 

M. (to Girish): “Yes, they were bought from Fagu’s shop. The place is famous.” 

Master (smiling): “Yes, famous.” 

Girish: “They are really nice. 

(To the Master) “Sir, my mind is now on a very lofty plane. Why does it come down again?” 

Master: “That always happens when one leads a worldly life. Sometimes the householder’s mind goes up; sometimes it goes down. Sometimes he feels a great deal of devotion; sometimes he feels less. This happens because he lives in the midst of ‘woman and gold’. 

50.12 Monks and householders 

Sometimes a householder contemplates God or chants His name, and sometimes he diverts his mind to ‘woman and gold’. He is like an ordinary fly, which now sits on a sweetmeat and now on filth or rotting sores. 

“But it is quite different with sannyasis. They are able to fix their minds on God alone, completely withdrawing them from ‘woman and gold’. They can enjoy the Bliss of God alone. A man of true renunciation cannot enjoy anything but God. He leaves any place where people talk of worldly things; he listens only to spiritual talk. A man of true renunciation never speaks about anything but God. The bees light only on flowers, in order to sip honey; they do not enjoy anything else.” 

Girish went to the small terrace to rinse his hands. 

Master (to M.): “A man needs the grace of God to fix his whole mind on Him. Well, Girish has eaten a great many sweets. Tell him not to eat anything else tonight.” 

Girish returned to the room and sat in front of the Master. He was chewing a betel-leaf. 

Master (to Girish): “Rakhal has now understood what is good and what is bad, what is real and what is unreal. He lives with his family, no doubt, but he knows what it means. He has a wife. And a son has been born to him. But he has realized that all these are illusory and impermanent. Rakhal will never be attached to the world. 

“He is like a mudfish. The fish lives in the mud, but there is not the slightest trace of mud on its body.” 

Girish: “Sir, I don’t understand all this. You can make everyone pure and unattached if you want to. You can make everyone good, whether he is a worldly man or a sannyasi. The Malaya breeze, I believe, turns all trees into sandal-wood.” 

Master: “Not unless there is substance in them. There are a few trees, the cotton-tree for instance, which are not turned into sandal-wood.” 

Girish: “I don’t care.” 

Master: “But this is the law.” 

Girish: “But everything about you is illegal.” 

The devotees were listening to this conversation in great amazement. Every now and then the fan in M.’s hand stopped moving. 

Master: “Yes, that may be true. When the river of bhakti overflows, the land all around is flooded with water to the depth of a pole. 

“When a man is inebriated with divine love, he doesn’t abide by the injunctions of the Vedas. He picks durva grass for the worship of the Deity, but he doesn’t clean it. He picks whatever he lays his hands on. While gathering tulsi-leaves he even breaks the branches. Ah! What a state of mind I passed through! 

(To M.) “When one develops love of God, one needs nothing else.” 

M: “Yes, sir.” 

Master: “But a devotee must assume toward God a particular attitude. God in His Incarnation as Rama demonstrated santa, dasya, vatsalya, and sakhya. But Krishna demonstrated madhur, besides all these. 

A crazy woman used to accompany Vijay Goswami to the Kali temple at Dakshineswar and sing for Sri Ramakrishna. Her songs were about Kali. She also used to sing the songs of the Brahmo Samaj. The devotees called her “Pagli” [1] and tried to keep her away from the Master. 

ⓘ[1] The Bengali word for “crazy woman”. 

Master (to Girish and the others): “Pagli cherishes the attitude of madhur toward me. One day she came to Dakshineswar. Suddenly she burst out crying. ‘Why are you crying?’ I asked her. And she said, ‘Oh, my head is aching!’ (All laugh.) Another day I was eating when she came to Dakshineswar. She suddenly said, ‘Won’t you be kind to me?’ I had no idea of what was passing through her mind, and went on eating. Then she said, ‘Why did you push me away mentally?’ I asked her, ‘What is your attitude?’ She said, ‘Madhur.’ ‘Ah!’ I said. ‘But I look on all women as manifestations of the Divine Mother. All women are mothers to me.’ Thereupon she said, ‘I don’t know all that.’ Then I called Ramlal and said to him: ‘Ramlal, listen to her! What is she talking about—this “pushing away mentally”?’ Even now she keeps up that attitude.” 

Girish: “Blessed indeed is Pagli! Maybe she is crazy. Maybe she is beaten by the devotees. But she meditates on you twenty-four hours a day. No matter how she meditates on you, no harm can ever befall her. 

“Sir, how can I express my own feelings about it? Think what I was before, and what I have become now by meditating on you! Formerly I was indolent; now that indolence has turned into resignation to God. Formerly I was a sinner; now I have become humble. What else can I say?” 

The devotees remained silent. Rakhal expressed his sympathy for Pagli. He said: “We all feel sorry for her. She causes so much annoyance, and for that she suffers, too.” 

Niranjan (to Rakhal): “You feel that way for her because you have a wife at home. But we could kill her.” 

Rakhal (sharply): “Such bragging! How dare you utter such words before him [meaning Sri Ramakrishna]?” 

Master (to Girish): “ ‘Woman and gold’ alone is the world. Many people regard money as their very life-blood. But however you may show love for money, one day, perhaps, every bit of it will slip from your hand. 

“In our part of the country the farmers make narrow ridges around their paddy-fields. You know what those ridges are. Some farmers make ridges with great care all the way around their fields. Such ridges are destroyed by the rush of the rain-water. But some farmers leave a part of the ridge open and put sod there. The water flows through the sod, leaving the field covered with silt after the rain. They reap a rich harvest. 

“They alone make good use of their money who spend it for the worship of God or the service of holy men and devotees. Their money bears fruit. 

“I cannot eat anything offered by physicians. I mean those who traffic in human suffering. Their money is blood and pus.” 

Sri Ramakrishna mentioned two physicians in this connection. 

Girish: “Dr. Rajendra Dutta is a generous person. He doesn’t accept a penny from anybody. He gives away money in charity.” 

Samir: Vivekananda Forum Study Circle
Thursday, 8 Aug • 7:30 – 8:45 pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

Today’s link. Kindly attend from 7.30pm.

Sri Shekhar

will read hindi text and Sri Saikat will summarize today.

10 People in Meet at 7:51 pm


Shekhar Suman
C. Jeganathan
Samir K Chattopadhyay
Saday Mishra
Biswanath Gupta
Sanjay Kumar Tewary
Sanjeev Sinha

Study Study

SP Ghoshal

Saikat Banerjee

Surojeet Mitra

Subrta Ghosh


Request Maharaj to Kindly Explain this in some detail …


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नरेन्द्र – त्याग करने की बात चलाने से कोई कोई मुझसे नाराज हो जाते हैं।


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And this


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‘‘कभी कभी कहता हूँ, अब जैसे इस संसार में न आना पड़े। ‘‘परन्तु एक बात है – निमंत्रण में भोजन करते करते अब घर की बनी मटर की दाल अच्छी नहीं लगती, न घर के चावल ही अच्छे लगते हैं। ‘‘और देह–धारण भक्तों के लिए है।’

God is The Light that shines through us … He shines on all but is not tainted by any

Don’t feel like having to be born again

Whom to tell and who will understand

 जैसे वायु। वायु में सुगन्ध और दुर्गन्ध दोनों हैं, परन्तु वायु निर्लिप्त है।’’

In the first five verses of John is the whole essence of Christianity: each verse is full of the profoundest philosophy.

The Perfect never becomes imperfect. It is in the darkness, but is not affected by the darkness. God’s mercy goes to all, but is not affected by their wickedness. The sun is not affected by any disease of our eyes which may make us see it distorted.

We are human coverings over the Divine; but as the divine Man, Christ and we are one.

Volume 7, Inspired Talks

June 19 1895 Thousand Island Park

04 July 1902

‘If there were another Vivekananda, then he would have understood what this Vivekananda has done! And yet — how many Vivekanandas shall be born in time!’

 On March 18, in the company of a large party of his sannyasin disciples, the Swami left for Dacca, the chief city of East Bengal, and arrived the next day. He was in poor health, suffering from both asthma and diabetes. During an asthmatic attack, when the pain was acute, he said half dreamily: ‘What does it matter! I have given them enough for fifteen hundred years.’ But he had hardly any rest. People besieged him day and night for instruction. In Dacca he delivered two public lectures and also visited the house of Nag Mahashay, where he was entertained by the saint’s w

‘‘शरीर अगर कुछ दिन और रहता तो बहुतसे लोगों में आध्यात्मिकता की जागृति हो जाती

मुझे सरल और मूर्ख समझकर कहीं सब लोग घेर न लें, और मैं सरल और मूर्ख कहीं सभी को सब कुछ न दे डालूूँ।

इसके भीतर दो व्यक्ति हैं। एक हैं जगन्माता ।
दूसरा है उनका भक्त जिसका हाथ टूट गया था। वही अब बीमार है। समझे ?

श्रीरामकृष्ण – किस से कहूँ, और समझेगा भी कौन?

‘देह–धारण करने पर कष्ट तो है ही।

‘‘कभी कभी कहता हूँ, अब जैसे इस संसार में न आना पड़े।

‘‘ब्रह्म कैसा है, जानता है?– जैसे वायु। वायु में सुगन्ध और दुर्गन्ध दोनों हैं, परन्तु वायु निर्लिप्त है।’’

कामिनी और कांचन अविद्या है; ज्ञान,भक्ति , वैराग्य ये सब विद्या के ऐश्वर्य हैं।

श्रीरामकृष्ण – (धीमे स्वर से) – त्याग आवश्यक है।

श्रीरामकृष्ण अपने शरीर के अंगों को दिखलाकर कह रहे हैं – ‘‘एक वस्तु के ऊपर अगर दूसरी वस्तु हो, तो एक को बिना हटाये दूसरी वस्तु कैसे मिल सकती है?’’

नरेन्द्र – संसार का त्याग करना ही होगा?

श्रीरामकृष्ण – जैसा मैंने अभी कहा, ईश्वरमय देखते रहने पर फिर क्या दूसरी वस्तु दीख पड़ती है?
संसार आदि क्या कुछ दिखलायी पड़ सकता है?

‘‘परन्तु त्याग मन से होना चाहिए ।

श्रीरामकृष्ण – (नरेन्द्र से, हँसकर ) – अच्छा, मेरा क्या भाव है?

नरेन्द्र –वीरभाव , सखीभाव – सब भाव । यह सुनकर मानो श्रीरामकृष्ण को भावावेश हो गया।

नलिनीदलगतजलम अति तरलम्।
तद्वज्जीवनम अतिशय चपलम्।।
क्षणमिह सज्जनसंगतिरेका।
भवति भवार्णवतरणे नौका।।’’…

Like the unstable drops on a lotus leaf , this life is transient . Know this world to be full of disease, egotism and affliction.



भक्त की दृष्टिकोण में शरीर एक vehicle है, जिसका उपयोग द्वारा हम अपना गंतव्य रामकृष्णलोक पहुंच पाएंगे । ज्ञानी के दृष्टि में शरीर एक मंदिर है जिसके भीतर भगवान का वास है वेदांत के दृष्टि में शरीर श्रीरामकृष्ण देव् का परछाई है, जिसका independent exitance सोचना एक भ्रम है । शायद महाराजजी की बात का ऐसा ही सरलीकरण होगा ।



Date 27 June 2024

Forum Meet

Vivekananda Forum Study Circle
Thursday, 27 Jun • 7:30 – 8:45 pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:

Today’s link from 7.30pm to 8.45pm.

Sanjay Tewary ji will read and Sanjeev Sinha ji will summarize. Today we will discuss last portion of Shyampukur Bati. Kindly attend.


Friday Oct 30 1885 Shyampukur

Assessment of Dr Sarkar

Assessment of Misra


God Blisss

Sri Ramakrishna . M . M Fetch Dr Sarkar.

Munger New Theology . Argument . Reasoning. Not Simply Belief.

Not believing because Buddha Jesus Chaitanya .

Believe Munger. Quote Some Authority.

Dr Bhaduri . Start All over again. Stone Brick Bat.

Don’t Believe in Mahatma, Astral Body Perhaps Theosophist.
Don’t believe in incarnation. Tease . Not reborn as Human Being.
Not even animal , bird, Tree or Plant. Stone and Many birth.

Knowledge of Physical Science – False Knowledge. Momentary.

Underground Spring. Rain Water.

Sri Ramakrishna ecstacy and talking.

Dr Sarakar – Mine of Knowledge. Dry Knowledge.

Not tasted Divine Bliss.

After that, See Everything filled with it , above below.

Stop Saying all I say is right and others are wrong. .

Not utter sharp strong pointed words.

Dr Sarkar Madness about money. Attachment to wife.

Longing for Name Fame.

Give up all these .

Give mind whole- souled devotion to God. Enjoy Bliss of God.

Dr Sarkar – Samadhi is result of Union of Mind with God.

MAN ka Sanyog

Shivnath – One loses head too much thinking of God.
Unconscious thinking of Universal Consciousness.

God Very nature of Consciousness. Endows wold with Consciousness.

Inert Matter appears conscious – hand feet body move.

Water Scalds the Hand ? Its is heat in water.

Dr Sarkar – When in Trouble people are faced with crisis.
Trouble in Throat. Fallen in clutches of Cotton – Carder.

We lie in lap of God. We feel free with him

Who should we speak to if not to him.

Sri Ramakrishna – I try to speak to Him about this but I do not succeed.

M Repeated Conversations with Dr Sarkar.

Don’t believe just because Buddha or Jesus has said.

Thinking of this place of him His faith is growing Egotism difficult to get rid of.

Scholarship, Fame, Money. Does not show disrespect for What I say.

Misra Christian Devotee. North West India. Quaker Sect. 35 year old. European Dress .

Ochre inside. Kaupin. Brother marriage. Other two died on same day.





Misra – Rama on al beings.

Sri Ramakrishna – One Rama . Many names.

God by Christians. Ram, Krishna, Ishvara.

Lake. Many Ghats. Hindu Jal. Christian Water. Mussalmaan Pani.

God Allah.

Misra – Jesus . Not Son of Mary. God himself.

Ramakrishna – Is as You see him. He is God Himself.

You are Not able to Recognise himslelf.

Visions – I used to see Lights. Vision of Jesus. Beauty.

Sri Ramakrishna – Saw Misra in Heroic Pose.

Saw him, Laughed, Shook hands. You will get what you are seeing.

Misra – Surrender Body Soul Mind to Sri Ramakrishna

Bliss of Divine Inebriation. Then Bliss of Satchidananda Cause of Cause.

Song of Ramprasad

Ramprasad compares his  mystical vision to drinking the wine of divine bliss:

. I drink no ordinary wine, but Wine of Everlasting Bliss,

As I repeat my Mother Kali’s name; It so intoxicates my mind that people take me to be drunk!

First my guru gives molasses for the making of the Wine;

My longing is the ferment to transform it.

Knowledge, the maker of the Wine, prepares it for me then;

And when it is done, my mind imbibes it from the bottle of the mantra,

Taking the Mother’s name to make it pure.

Drink of this Wine, says Ramprasad, and the four fruits of life are yours. 

Dr Sarkar became Ecstatic

Sri Ramakrishna Foot in lap of Dr .

We ile in Lap of God. Tell Him about illness. If I must pray

I must certainly pray to him.

You are vey pure.

Peace : He alone has peace who has tasted Bliss of Rama

World. Money, Wealth, honour creature comforts. .



Siddhesvari at Thanthania  Offer flowers, green coconut, sugar, and other sweets 

Force these songs on Dr

How are you trying, O my mind, to know the nature of God? . . .

Who is there that can understand what Mother Kali is? . . .

O mind, you do not know how to farm!

Fallow lies the field of your life. . . .

Come, let us go for a walk,

O mind, to Kali, the Wish-fulfilling Tree 

Pacing room . Painful illness but face beamed with Joy.

Put aside Sleepers, Shock, Samadhi , Divine Mother’s worship.

Kali Pooja . Make some arrangements for worship . Devotees.

Kalipada and others busy with Arrangements.

Flowers, sandal-paste, vilwa-leaves, red hibiscus, rice pudding, and various sweets and other articles of worship are placed in front of the Master. 

incense. Offered al to Mother.

Mediate a little. Girish Garland. M Flowers and sandal paste Niranjan Flower.

Brahmamayi  Jai Ma!”, “Hail to the Mother 

Var Abhay Mudra

Tasted Pudding . Deep ecstacy

. Surendra’s house Kali Pooja.

क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि तस्मिन्‌ दृष्टे परावरे॥’ – ‘ भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्चिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयः, क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि तस्मिन दृष्टे परावरे ‘ (मुण्डक उपनिषदः २/२/८)। यहाँ ‘ परावरे ‘ शब्द का तात्पर्य परमात्मा से है – वह जिसके अधीन ( अवर ) अक्षरब्रह्म भी है, जो जीवों , ईश्वरों , माया और मुक्तों से ऊपर ( परा ) है।22 Nov 2009


SP Ghoshal

Vivek Jyoti Feb 2018



The Glory of the Divine Mother

27 John answered and said, [99] A man can ‖‖ Or, take unto himself. receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.

28 Ye yourselves bear me witness, that I said, [100] I am not the Christ, but [101] that I am sent before him.

29 [102] He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but [103] the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.

30 He must increase, but I must decrease.


EventLink & Details
Date : Oct 15 , 2020 Thursday
Time : 07:15 pm to 8:30 pm
Video Link
Documents : | English PDF | Hindi PDF |
Web Link : | Hindi & English with Comments | |( Voice ) |
Kathamrit Date 17 Oct 2020 Saturday
Date : 11 Oct 2020 Sunday
Time : 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Youtube Live Stream Link .Srimad Bhagwat Gita in Hindi
Hindi : Swami Bhaveshananda Ji

Date : 18 Oct 2020 Sunday
Time : 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Youtube Live Stream Link…………………
Hindi : Swami Bhaveshananda Ji

Past Meets

Past Meets

Weekly Study Circle Meets

( Please click here for Further Details , Meeting Notes, Learnings )

102 Jul 2020Participants : 13
Topic : Work and Its secret
209 Jul 2020Participants : 11
Topic : Work and Its secret Continued
317 Jul 2020Participants : 18
1) Yagneshwar Bhattacharya 05 Jan 1890
2) Sri Lala Govind Sahay 30 Apr 1891
423 Jul 2020Participants : 23
Letter to Pandit Shankar Lal of Khetri
20 Sept 1892
531 Jul 2020Participants : 19
(Written from Bombay on 23rd May, 1893 )
To D. R. Balaji Rao who just had a severe domestic affliction.
606 Aug 2020Participants : 19
Letter - Shrimati Indumati Mitra
BOMBAY, 24th May, 1893.
713 Aug 2020Participants : 19
Letter to Abasinga Peruma Chicago -
2nd November, 1893.
820 Aug 2020Participants : 24
Letter to Disciples in Madras 24th January, 1894
927 Aug 2020Participants : 19
Letter to Abasinga Perumal 12th January, 1895
1003 Sep 2020Participants : 19
कर्म का रहस्य
1111 Sep 2020Participants : 19
Buddhi Yoga
Gita 02.29 & 10.10
1217 Sep 2020Participants : 13
प्रत्येक व्यक्ति अपने स्थान पर महान है
1324 Sep 2020Participants : 19
कर्म का रहस्य ( प्रथम भाग )
1401 Oct 2020Participants : 14
कर्म का रहस्य ( भाग-II )
1508 Oct 2020Participants : 15
प्रकृति का क्रम-विकास और अन्तर्निहित आत्मा की अभिव्यक्ति
Evolution of Nature
1715 Oct 2020
1822 Oct 2020
1929 Oct 2020
2005 Nov 2020
2112 Nov 2020
2219 Nov 2020
2326 Nov 2020
2403 Dec 2020
2510 Dec 2020
2617 Dec 2020
2724 Dec 2020
2831 Dec 2020
2907 Jan 2021
Japa Yagna Sunday Morning

Sundays 9:00 am to 11:30 am

A Aug 30, 2020 Total 53 People Attended

B Sep 06, 2020 Total 35 People Attended

C Sep 13, 2020 Total 34 People Attended

D Sep 20, 2020 Total 30 People Attended

E Sep 27, 2020 Total 34 People Attended

F NOV 01, 2020 Being Planned …

Webinars , Live Stream Gita Classes Sunday Evenings

Gita Classes

Webinars , Live Stream : Kathamrit Saturday Evenings

Date : 03 Oct 2020 Saturday
Time : _____ pm to ____ pm
Youtube Live Stream Link