Dharma & Swadharma स्वधर्म : Lets See try to understand the concept. In Gita it is declared : स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावहःWhat this suggests is that it’s better to […]
Author: brahmavadin
Food & Health
TRADITIONAL FOOD RECIPES from AYUSH SYSTEMS of MEDICINE Download Book Here 1. Amalaki Panaka (Indian Gooseberry Drink) 2. Amla Squash 3. Takra (Buttermilk) 4. Khalam (Medicated Buttermilk) 5. Yusha (Medicated […]
Journal Of Progress
Seek Out Truth , through own observations and experiences and from the Scriptures, Rishis, Avtaras.