Swami Ranganathananda

Is Gita Just for Peace of Mind or Has it practical Relevance in Daily Struggles of Life



Universal Message of the Bhagavad Gita Vol 1 – 3 by Swami Ranganathananda

Volume 1 of 3 | Volume 2 of 3 | Volume 3 of 3 |

Bhagavat Gita O Viswajanin Varta Set Of 3 Volumes Bengali Edition | by Swami Ranganathananda

Volume 1 of 3 | Volume 2 of 3 | Volume 3 of 3 |

Daivi Kripa – Swami Ranganathananda

Book In Hindi ( Daivi Kripa – Swami Ranganathananda)

Spiritual Life Of The Householder

Spiritual Life Of The Householder – Swami Ranganathananda

Others Books


Eternal Values For A Changing Society (1958)


A Pilgrim Looks At The World Vol 2

by Ranganathananda Swami https://archive.org/details/dli.ernet.242406

Human being in depth : a scientific approach to religion

by Ranganathananda, Swami https://archive.org/details/humanbeingindept0000rang

Upanishaon Ki Vani Swami Ranganathananda


The Charm and Power of the Upanishads – Swami Ranganathanandaby Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi


textsSri Ramakrishna and our stranded Freudian writersby Swami Ranganathananda


A Traveller Looks At The World Swami Ranganathanandaby SrinagarAshram


??????????? : ??? ?????? ?? ???-?????? ???? ? ??????? ?? ???????? ??? ? ????????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?????, with ????????by Swami Jyotirmayananda


Enlightened citizenship and our democracy ( AUDIO 40 min)



Gita Lectures

Below are the play lists

A) Please click on YouTube Portion & Go directly to YouTube Site for viewing all the videos in play list.

Click on CC ( Subtitles, closed caption ) option to see the text in english .

B) The voice quality is not great and you might have to strain to be able to make sense of what is being said.

C) First One At Chennai Math has currently 5 Chapters uploaded but they have good transcript ( Subtitle ) , The second one at Haripad Math has almost all the Videos till Chapter 18 but Subtitle is not well rendered.

D) The Books are based on the lectures but not exactly so .


Hosted at RK Math , Chennai

( Chapter 1 to 5 ) With Subtitles

Ramakrishna Math Haripad, Kerala ( 93 Videos Chapter 1 to 18)


Gita lectures Swami Ranganathanada

Gita Dhyanya Swami Ranganathananda

Bhagavad Gita : Part 1

Gita Dhyanya Swami Ranganathananda Bhagavad Gita : Part 2

Chapter 18

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18: Verses 2-17 : Swami Ranganathananda

Chapter 18 , Sloka 18 to 33



Chapter 18 , Sloka 33 to 40


Chapter 18 , Sloka 40 to 46


Chapter 18 , Sloka 45 to 46



Chapter 18 , Sloka 46 to 55


Chapter 18 , Sloka 55 to 57



Chapter 18 , Sloka 57 to 62


Chapter 18 , Sloka 52 to 68

68 to 78


Chanting and singing

Select Verses Set to Music by Vanraj Bhatia

I chanced upon it in times music . I had bought the cassettes and with that was a little booklet with select texts.

The same is available here

A sample

All of the content

And is available for purchase at Amazon Here

The Bhagavad Gita: Selected Shlokas Set To Music By Vanraj Bhatia

The Bhagavad Gita: Selected Shlokas Set To Music By Vanraj Bhatia

Some photos


Swami Ranganathananda ji in Holland with kid Tarak